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Maria Albulet Memorial 2016

Last update 12.11.2016 12:36:30, Creator/Last Upload: Romanian Chess Federation (Licence 25)

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Starting rank list

1WGMCosma Elena-LuminitaROU2324Cs Studentesc Medicina Timisoa
2WGMIonescu IrinaROU2287Csm Bucuresti
3WIMRakhmangulova AnastasiyaUKR2260
4WGMDoluhanova EvgeniyaUKR2245
5WFMMartynkova OlenaUKR2194
6IMPetrenko SvetlanaMDA2162
7WFMRadeva ViktoriaBUL2125
8WFMHincu OlgaMDA2122
9WGMMakropoulou MarinaGRE2119
10WCMPanainte Andreea-BiancaROU1982Css Palatul Copiilor Constanta
11WCMAciu Malina-AndreeaROU1931Csm Focsani 2007
12WFMGitu Paula-AlexandraMDA1904
13WCMCiungan Diana-AlexandraROU1871Css Nr. 1 Timisoara
14WCMComan Emilia-FlorentinaROU1836Csm Ploiesti
15IArdelean Lorela-DanielaROU1803Lps Satu Mare
16IBalan Briana-CleopatraROU1788Lps Satu Mare
17WCMHrib Andrada-IoanaROU1785Cs Politehnica Iasi
18IPopa Catalina-ElenaROU1785Cso "Tricolorul" Breaza
19IObada EmaROU1780Cs Politehnica Iasi
20ICiolacu Alessia-MihaelaROU1695Clubul Central De Sah Bucurest
21IAnghel MariaROU1682Css Palatul Copiilor Constanta
22IParaschiv Petronela-AlexandraROU1661Csu Universitatea De Vest Timi
23IIUzuneanu GabrielaROU1569Cs Fairplay Braila
24IIAndres Marina-CorinaROU1508Cs Sah Club Galati
25IIVorniceanu AlinaROU1442Cs Sah Club Galati