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2016 Witney Congress Under 170

Last update 23.10.2016 18:41:18, Creator/Last Upload: 4NCL

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Starting rank list

1Fanning Matthew J167Oxford University
2Sayers Ray164None
3Stevens Gareth162Cumnor
4Carter Lance G160None
5Foster Cyril160Cowley
6O'gorman Brendan159Dhss
7Fowler Jonathan158Cheltenham
8George Richard M158None
9Glenn Liam158Cumnor
10Varney Daniel158Cumnor
11Cole Graham L155Magdalen College School
12Sheremetyeva Elizaveta155Witney
13Weston Richard154Cowley
14Bush Ian148Magdalen College School
15Gentry Alan E148Witney
16Sayers Mark148
17Dyer Ben147Newbury
18Georgiou George147Swindon
19O'byrne Danny147Brown Jack
20Edwards Derek F146Witney
21Redmond Michael F146Reading
22Neatherway A Philip1454ncl Oxford