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VI SP Open Clássico - Grupo C Sub 1700, 14 a 16/04 - R$5000 em prêmios!

Last update 18.04.2017 21:11:38, Creator/Last Upload: Federacao Paulista de Xadrez (1)

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Final Ranking crosstable after 6 Rounds

Rk.NameFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Ohara Matheus KendiBRA 50b1 9w1 6b1 4w1 3b1 2w½5,5022,524
2Silva Kaua MarquesBRA 39w1 34b1 5w½ 49b1 18w1 1b½501921,5
3Nunes Marcela Andreia DiasBRA 25w1 13b1 29w1 7b1 1w0 4b½4,5021,524,5
4Da Costa Carlos Henrique LuzBRA 38w1 11b1 27w1 1b0 9b1 3w½4,502123,5
5Rabelo Jose Carlos VargasBRA 31b1 56w1 2b½ 26w1 6b0 12b14,5019,521
6Pereira Da Silva Gabriel RobeBRA 58w1 51b1 1w0 30b1 5w1 7b½4,501921
7Seccafim Caic Dos SantosBRA -1 49w1 20b1 3w0 32b1 6w½4,5018,521
8De Oliveira Francemir BarraBRA 62b1 55w½ 10b0 56w1 41b1 19b14,501415
9De Macedo Camila FerreiraBRA 16w1 1b0 22w1 14b1 4w0 18b14021,525
10Machado Antonio RodrigoBRA 48w1 29b½ 8w1 18b0 22w1 11b½4018,521
11Francelli DerliBRA 46b1 4w0 53b½ 21w1 24b1 10w½4017,519,5
12Dutra Liliam GuedesBRA 43w0 45b1 37w1 17b1 20b1 5w0401719,5
13Farias Vitor FurtadoBRA 35b1 3w0 40b1 -0 37w1 31w14016,519
14Lima Aine CarolinaBRA 28w½ 35b1 9w0 36b1 27w14015,518
Bader MichelBRA 38w1 27b1 19w0 26w14015,518
16NMGomes Jeferson DionisioBRA 9b0 57w1 28b1 20w0 52b1 32w1401516,5
17Brujin HomeroBRA 55b0 60w1 56b1 12w0 34w1 29b14013,514
18De Souza Diego Henrique CoutiBRA 36b½ 23w1 55b1 10w1 2b0 9w03,501921,5
19Pereira Fo Hildebrando ApolonBRA 21b½ 40w1 26b0 23w1 15b1 8w03,501820,5
20Castro Vasconcelos Jairo SergiBRA 45w1 43b1 7w0 16b1 12w0 21b½3,5017,520
21Queiroz Maria BeckerBRA 19w½ 59b½ 34w1 11b0 49w+ 20w½3,5016,519
22Ferreira Caio Tulio MoreiraBRA 52b1 26w½ 9b0 55w1 10b0 28w13,5016,518
23Lima Vinicius TaishunBRA 18b0 33w1 19b0 51w1 35w13,5015,517,5
24Kojima Rodrigo YosukeBRA 34w0 39b1 36w½ 42b1 11w0 44b13,5014,517
25Mariano Matheus RobertoBRA 3b0 35w0 -1 44b½ 53w1 41w13,5014,516
26Lourenco Dos Santos Paulo R.BRA 44w1 22b½ 19w1 5b0 31w½ 15b03018,521
27Simi Luiz Guilherme SilvaBRA 53b1 32w1 4b0 15w0 50w1 14b0301819,5
28Sakaya Gabriel ReisBRA 59w½ 14b½ 16w0 58b1 30w1 22b03017,519,5
29Hopka Matheus MarchesiBRA 60b1 10w½ 3b0 36w½ 38b1 17w03017,518
30Hayashi KaitoBRA 43w1 6w0 28b0 50b1301617,5
Costa Iaggo BerniniBRA 5w0 54b1 52w1 41w½ 26b½ 13b0301617,5
32Kikuchi Cadilhac Mariana SawaBRA 61w1 27b0 51w1 50b1 7w0 16b03014,515
33Primo E Silva BeatrizBRA 49b0 23b0 62w1 43w1 34b½301415
34De Souza Paulo H. PinheiroBRA 24b1 2w0 21b0 39w1 17b0 33w½2,5018,521
35Vasconcelos Melissa Nubia FatiBRA 13w0 25b1 14w0 51b½ 42w1 23b02,501820
36Baba Marcelo MassakazuBRA 18w½ 24b½ 29b½ 14w0 39b½2,501719,5
37Hayashi KoukiBRA 12b0 46w1 13b0 40w½2,501719
38Radaelli Lucas FalcaoBRA 4b0 46w1 15b0 40w1 29w0 47b½2,5016,518,5
39Laperuta Renan PortesBRA 2b0 24w0 48w1 34b0 62b1 36w½2,501617
40Da Rosa Henrique Jaze SimoesBRA 63w1 19b0 13w0 38b0 54w1 37b½2,5015,517
41Junior Elias Vidal BezerraBRA 51w0 58b1 44w1 31b½ 8w0 25b02,501517
42De Souza Carlos AlbertoBRA 57b1 -0 24w0 35b0 52w12,501516,5
43Artiga Pedro GabrielBRA 12b1 20w0 30b0 57w½ 33b0 61w12,501515,5
44Zmetek Marcos SimaoBRA 26b0 62w1 41b0 25w½ 57b1 24w02,5013,514,5
45Giove Matheus FariaBRA 20b0 12w0 62b½ 48w½ 46b½ 56w12,5013,514,5
46De Lima Enzo MagalhaesBRA 11w0 38b0 54w1 37b0 45w½ -12,501314,5
47Funayama S A YuriBRA 49b0 52w0 61b1 38w½2,501313,5
48Yokomizo WiltonBRA 10b0 50w0 39b0 45b½ 60w1 57w12,501212,5
49Da Conceicao Romeu FirminoBRA 33w1 7b0 47w1 2w0 21b- -02018,521
50Kajiwara Joao KazuyukiBRA 1w0 48b1 59w+ 32w0 27b0 30w0201719,5
51Vasconcelos Alessandra PaolaBRA 41b1 6w0 32b0 35w½ 23b0 53w½201618,5
52Gomes Emerson De LimaBRA 22w0 -1 31b0 47b1 16w0 42b0201618
53Sakiyama Enzo TetsuoBRA 27w0 61b1 11w½ -0 25b0 51b½2015,516
54Bispo Marcia De LimaBRA 56b0 31w0 46b0 60w1 40b0 62w+201010,5
55Santos Olavo Luis DosBRA 17w1 8b½ 18w0 22b0 -0 -01,5018,521
56Rocha Anderson RosendoBRA 54w1 5b0 17w0 8b0 58w½ 45b01,5017,519
57Freire Leandro Da CostaBRA 42w0 16b0 61w1 43b½ 44w0 48b01,5014,515
58Ferreira Renato Luis BueloniBRA 6b0 41w0 60b1 28w0 56b½ -01,501414,5
59Morimoto MarcelBRA 28b½ 21w½ 50b- -0 -0 -0101517
60Teshima Claudio YutakaBRA 29w0 17b0 58w0 54b0 48b0 -1101313
61Cabete Vinicius MoraesBRA 32b0 53w0 57b0 -1 47w0 43b0101213
62Amorin Gabriel FerranteBRA 8w0 44b0 45w½ 33b0 39w0 54b-0,501516,5
63Schultz RauandaBRA 40b0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00011,512,5

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)