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Departamental Selectivo Sub-8, Sub.10, Sub-12 Quindío

Last update 13.02.2017 03:11:48, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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Starting rank list

1Agudelo Yarly Alejandra4458222QUI1446
2Chaverra Orozco Jorge Andres4460049QUI1395
3Acevedo Rodriguez Luis Felipe4452330QUI1391
4Alvear Gomez Angela Sofia4467167QUI1321
5Bocanegra Villanueva Miguel A4466489QUI1284
6Soto Ramirez Andres Camilo4466209QUI1282
7Soto Ramirez Luna Sofia4466233QUI1266
8Cardona Juan CamiloQUI0
9Carvajal NicolasQUI0
10Martinez Delgado Diego FernandoQUI0
11Martinez Delgado Luis DanielQUI0
12Perez Maira AlejandraQUI0
13Sanchez GabrielQUI0