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Cupa RIN Grand Hotel - Sah Rapid Seniori

Last update 22.04.2017 18:44:42, Creator/Last Upload: Romanian Chess Federation (Licence 58)

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1GMBerescu Alin-Mile2452ROU 32w1 19b1 8w1 6b½ 2w1 5w½ 4b½5,5236,528,7524,5
2IMDoncea Vladimir2346ROU 33b1 21w1 9b½ 29w1 1b0 12b1 6w15,562719,7522,5
3Shishkov Minko2249BUL 34w1 20b1 11w0 9w1 15b0 29b1 17w151028,519,5020
4CMSandor Petrut2246ROU 35b1 23w1 15b1 7w0 6w1 10b1 1w½5,533324,7523,5
5FMVrencian Lehel2212ROU 36w1 22b1 12w1 11b1 7w1 1b½ 8w½6128,523,0026,5
6FMDicu Razvan-Stefan2172ROU 37b1 25w1 17b1 1w½ 4b0 47w½ 2b041632,516,2521
7FMHristodorescu Daniel2157ROU 38w1 26b1 14w1 4b1 5b0 11w1 32b½5,5432,524,0024,5
8CMLuca Ionel2156ROU 39b1 27w1 1b0 38w1 16b1 15w1 5b½5,553223,5022,5
9CMSenetia Teodor2152ROU 40w1 28b1 2w½ 3b0 32w0 -0 -02,549309,7515,5
10CMAndronescu Madalin2105ROU 41b1 29w0 13b1 27w1 19b1 4w0 62b1572920,0020
11CMLuncasu Raul-Ionut2099ROU 42w1 30b1 3b1 5w0 23b1 7b0 19w041731,515,0021
12FMMitaru Dan2094ROU 43b1 47w1 5b0 39w1 62b1 2w0 15b04183013,5020
13FMBobu Ionel-Adrian2060ROU 44w1 49b½ 10w0 61b½ 40w1 30b½ 34w03,53325,511,0016
14CMDone Stefan-Daniel2059ROU 45b1 55w1 7b0 41w1 47b½ 32w0 37b½4192914,0019
15FMPetrescu Georgian-Dorin2032ROU 46w1 62b1 4w0 30b1 3w1 8b0 12w1582918,0021
16CMGrigore Gigi1980ROU 47b0 43w1 36b1 49w1 8w0 38b½ 52w14,51524,512,0017
17AIMDobre Ana-Margareta-Alexandra1949ROU 48w1 63b1 6w0 32b½ 29w½ 39b1 3b042424,511,2518,5
18CMSalcu Laurentiu1945ROU 49b0 44w0 31b1 42w1 35b½ 62w0 33b13,537219,2511,5
19IStancu Robert-Alexandru1940ROU 50w1 1w0 37b1 40b1 10w0 41w1 11b15112817,5019
20CMCernea Radu-Gheorghe1921ROU 51b1 3w0 38b0 48w1 37b½ 35w½ 39w142324,511,7514,5
21CMTomoae Marian1919ROU 52w1 2b0 40w0 50b1 44w1 61b½ 38w½42125,513,2515,5
22IMitu Petre1916ROU 53b1 5w0 39b0 55w0 59b1 37w0 49b025522,53,5010
23FMGeorgescu Gabriel-Ioan1897ROU 54w1 4b0 50w1 44b1 11w0 52b½ 61w14,51325,514,2518
24IDumitrascu Daniel1896ROU 55b0 45w1 41b0 59w1 38b0 49w1 35b½3,53621,59,2512,5
25IParlog Constantin1863ROU 56w1 6b0 52w1 62b0 61w0 50b0 48w134322,58,0013
26ICimpoiasu Dan1858ROU 57b1 7w0 44b0 60w1 39b0 45w1 40b1428197,5014
27Florea Rares-George1843ROU 58w1 8b0 63w1 10b0 52w0 53b1 44w1426228,0015
28IMatei Adrian1841ROU 59b1 9w0 47b0 63w1 41b0 54w1 50b1427219,0014
29IRadulescu Gabriel1840ROU 60w1 10b1 49w½ 2b0 17b½ 3w0 41b½3,53026,510,7517,5
30IBajenaru Leonard1838ROU 61b1 11w0 55b1 15w0 49b1 13w½ 47b03,5292711,2516
31IRaducu Marcel1824ROU 62w0 46b½ 18w0 51b½ 34w0 57b1 53w1347195,008
32IGheorghiu Alexandru-Dan1798ROU 1b0 48w1 60b1 17w½ 9b1 14b1 7w½51225,515,2518,5
33CMDobrin Catalin1786ROU 2w0 50b0 51w½ 46w1 55b1 34b0 18w02,55023,55,759,5
34FCBarabancea Adrian1782ROU 3b0 51w1 61b½ 47w0 31b1 33w1 13b14,5142513,2514,5
35ISarateanu Alexandru-Armand1757ROU 4w0 52b0 53w1 54b1 18w½ 20b½ 24w½3,5352510,5012
36IIoan Cezar-Octavian1748ROU 5b0 53w1 16w0 52b0 54w0 56b1 51b025423,54,008
37CMLazarean Colea-Valentin1741ROU 6w0 54b1 19w0 56b1 20w½ 22b1 14w½4252411,0014
38IFiraru Roxana-Maria1737ROU 7b0 57w1 20w1 8b0 24w1 16w½ 21b½4202812,7515,5
39IIGioga Sterie1731ROU 8w0 56b1 22w1 12b0 26w1 17w0 20b033825,58,0014
40IVladescu Ovidiu-Viorel1682ROU 9b0 59w1 21b1 19w0 13b0 55w1 26w034024,58,5013
41IIManea Florin1656ROU 10w0 58b1 24w1 14b0 28w1 19b0 29w½3,53126,510,7514,5
42IISerbanoiu Constantin1622ROU 11b0 61w0 57b1 18b0 53w0 59w1 54b025718,52,507
43CMGurguiatu Sandu1608ROU 12w0 16b0 54w0 53b0 -1 60w1 55b0259182,005
44ITrancioveanu Robert1606ROU 13b0 18b1 26w1 23w0 21b0 63w1 27b0339259,0013
45IIIstrate Ioan1591ROU 14w0 24b0 56w0 58b1 57w1 26b0 63b134817,54,008
46IPopa Catalina-Elena1586ROU 15b0 31w½ 62w0 33b0 58w+ 48b0 57w½25619,53,506,5
47IDobre Radu-Fabian1580ROU 16w1 12b0 28w1 34b1 14w½ 6b½ 30w15928,520,5019,5
48CMHlinschi Mihai1572ROU 17b0 32b0 58w1 20b0 56w½ 46w1 25b02,551214,008,5
49IIMusteata Darius-Gabriel-Orlan1539ROU 18w1 13w½ 29b½ 16b0 30w0 24b0 22w1341249,0013,5
50IICaea Lucas-Daniel1502ROU 19b0 33w1 23b0 21w0 60b1 25w1 28w034223,56,0011
51IIDumitrescu Daniel1476ROU 20w0 34b0 33b½ 31w½ 63b0 -1 36w1346197,257,5
52IIIDociu Mihai-Alexandru1323ROU 21b0 35w1 25b0 36w1 27b1 23w½ 16b03,53225,511,7514
53IIFlorea Adrian1308ROU 22w0 36b0 35b0 43w1 42b1 27w0 31b0258183,507
54IIPopa Andra-Maria1300ROU 23b0 37w0 43b1 35w0 36b1 28b0 42w134421,55,509
55Nachev Grigor1295BUL 24w1 14b0 30w0 22b1 33w0 40b0 43w1345207,0012
56IITariceanu Victor1237ROU 25b0 39w0 45b1 37w0 48b½ 36w0 -12,552196,257,5
57FCIonescu Luca1215ROU 26w0 38b0 42w0 -1 45b0 31w0 46b½1,561191,754,5
58FCSoare Ioan1171ROU 27b0 41w0 48b0 45w0 46b- -0 -006317,50,000
59IICojocaru Vlad-Cristian1131ROU 28w0 40b0 -1 24b0 22w0 42b0 60w1260172,006
60FCMircea-Teodorescu Marius-Ionu1111ROU 29b0 -1 32w0 26b0 50w0 43b0 59b0162210,506
61CMNiculae Aurelian1330ROU 30w0 42b1 34w½ 13w½ 25b1 21w½ 23b03,5342511,0014,5
62IIIvan Ionut-Madalin1018ROU 31b1 15w0 46b1 25w1 12w0 18b1 10w04222511,0018
63Soldan Daniel1001ROU -1 17w0 27b0 28b0 51w1 44b0 45w025323,54,0010

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable
Tie Break3: Fide Tie-Break