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CMA Futurity # 02 Section D - Swiss

Last update 17.04.2017 02:37:43, Creator/Last Upload: Canada Chess Federation (Licence 35)

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Starting rank

1Guipi Bopala Prince Eric Jr.2619113CAN1588QC
2Gauthier Luc2604353CAN1576QC
3Zhong Kevin2624907CAN1575QC
4WCMTsukerman Julia2621649CAN1396QC
5Tsypin Allison2620260CAN1299QC
6Nesterov TimourCAN1858QC
7Turgeon Yoakim2624842CAN1822QC
8Baran Marius2628201CAN1759QC
9Morin Maxime2624680CAN1737FO
10O'connor Michael2625032CAN1713QC
11Blanchette Rene2626454CAN1712QC
12Tsanaclis Albert2624834CAN1662FO
13Morin-Pare Victor2614677CAN1656QC
14Yergeau SimonCAN1646QC
15Charette NicolasCAN1639QC