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Obert de la Delegació Territorial de Lleida 2017

Darrera actualització30.06.2017 19:25:36, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Joshua Solani

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Taula creuada de classificació final després de 8 rondes

OrdreNomElo1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.RdPts. Des1  Des2  Des3 
1MKCampos Olaya Israel2318 25w1 -0 36b1 23w1 7b1 2w1 8b1 4b1740,53730,5
2Badia Mas Jordi2185 28w1 17b1 33w½ 18b1 9w1 1b0 6w1 11b16,54136,529
3Angles Roca Joel1828 40w1 -0 48b1 11w1 15b1 24b1 4w0 12b163532,526,5
4Cardona Alcaide Roberto2176 14b1 13w1 15b0 19w½ 36b1 33w1 3b1 1w05,539,53628,5
5Ribera Pane Jaume2204 38b1 10w1 -0 17b½ 20w1 -0 16w1 19b15,53734,529
6Ripoll Galvez Guerau1939 54w1 39b1 8w½ 33b0 17w1 35b1 2b0 21w15,53532,526
7Estruch Andreu Lluc1835 52b1 -0 53w1 16b1 1w0 34b½ 18w1 10b15,534,533,526
8Ferrer Font Jordi2101 49b1 26w1 6b½ 20w1 35w½ 9b1 1w0 -0539,536,529
9Cots Valls Jordi1932 44b1 37w1 11b1 15w1 2b0 8w0 12w0 17b1538,53528,5
10Raga Lleida Roman1912 59b1 5b0 22w1 21w0 43b1 30w1 15b1 7w05363427,5
11Badia Torra Jaume1987 55w1 41b1 9w0 3b0 38w1 18b1 24w+ 2w0535,53326,5
12Masague Artero Guerau2141 -0 -0 59b1 46w1 26b1 23w1 9b1 3w05343225,5
13Coria Gonzalez Pedro1894 62w+ 4b0 27w1 35b0 41w0 20b1 31w1 30w+533,530,525
14Mir Carnice Jordi1759 4w0 40b1 35w0 39b1 16w0 29b1 41w1 23w153128,523
15Ponsarnau Marquilles Jaume1976 32b1 22w+ 4w1 9b0 3w0 41b1 10w0 22w½4,539,536,530
16Subarroca Blanch Francesc1916 31w1 -0 60b1 7w0 14b1 21w½ 5b0 41b14,537,53528,5
17Lopez Minguella Armand1861 48b1 2w0 50b1 5w½ 6b0 36w1 33b1 9w04,53734,528
18Rodon Balcells Jaume2018 60b1 21w1 20b½ 2w0 19b1 11w0 7b0 36w14,536,53427,5
19Estruch Andreu Guim1900 47b1 -0 38w1 4b½ 18w0 49b1 34w+ 5w04,53532,526
20Palau Barrufet Vinyet1814 64w1 61b1 18w½ 8b0 5b0 13w0 45b1 35w14,534,53225,5
21De La Fuente Exposito Juan Ma1807 57w1 18b0 52w1 10b1 24w0 16b½ 35w1 6b04,531,530,525
22Rodriguez Hernandez Antonio1790 63w1 15b- 10b0 60w1 -0 40b1 27w1 15b½4,5292823
23Sole Castane Jaume1906 39w0 62b1 29w1 1b0 27w1 12b0 28w1 14b0436,53426,5
24Bedoya Ribo Jordi1964 50w0 54b+ 30b1 26w1 21b1 3w0 11b- -04363326,5
25Borras Burgues Jordi1775 1b0 59w1 34w0 -0 62b1 43w1 30b0 45w14333123,5
26Prats Carrera Rossend1851 56w1 8b0 55w1 24b0 12w0 27b0 37w1 43b1432,53024
27Sole Chimeno Joan1758 34b0 47w1 13b0 48w1 23b0 26w1 22b0 39w143229,524
28Pedra Marquina Joan1768 2b0 -0 39w1 -0 48b1 32w1 23b0 44w143229,523
29Cabestany Serra Xavier1786 -0 44w1 23b0 -0 37w+ 14w0 54b+ 46b143027,522,5
30Becerra Gomez Juan Jose1713 61w0 57b1 24w0 53b1 50w1 10b0 25w1 13b-428,527,522,5
31Valios Blanco Xavier1690 16b0 -0 63w1 -0 60b1 42w1 13b0 49w1427,526,521,5
32Cano Rodriguez Daniel1701 15w0 -0 65b1 -0 39w1 28b0 40w1 38b14272520
33Clua Guardia Mariona1948 51b1 50w1 2b½ 6w1 -0 4b0 17w0 -03,538,535,529
34Farre Selma David2106 27w1 -0 25b1 -0 42b1 7w½ 19b- -03,5383428
35Sole Gonzalez Edgar2096 43w1 -0 14b1 13w1 8b½ 6w0 21b0 20b03,5373428,5
36Montagut Gonzalez Joan1808 65b1 58w½ 1w0 37b1 4w0 17b0 49w1 18b03,535,533,526
37Vidal Puig Sergi1536 42w1 9b0 41w½ 36w0 29b- 51b1 26b0 56w13,52926,521,5
38Rubies Roure Antonio1770 5w0 56b+ 19b0 51w1 11b0 45w0 56b1 32w033330,524
39Conde Chijeb Alexis1681 23b1 6w0 28b0 14w0 32b0 63w1 59b+ 27b03323125,5
40Domenech Gomis Arnau1539 3b0 14w0 51b0 65w1 54b1 22w0 32b0 59w13323023,5
41Alferez Valls Ramon1803 53b1 11w0 37b½ 49w½ 13b1 15w0 14b0 16w0330,529,524,5
42Tarroja Farre Ramiro1818 37b0 51w1 -0 55b1 34w0 31b0 -0 53w1329,528,523
43Abellana Viladrich Albert1717 35b0 -0 47w1 52b1 10w0 25b0 51w+ 26w03292823
44Torres Bergada Jordi1692 9w0 29b0 57w1 45b0 -0 48w1 55b1 28b03292722
45Llorens Vilella Victor1704 -0 48w0 56b1 44w1 -0 38b1 20w0 25b032926,522
46Villalonga Goma Ramon Maria1703 58b0 52w- 62w1 12b0 -0 59w1 52b1 29w0327,526,520,5
47Villaro Buj Ernest1675 19w0 27b0 43b0 -0 64w1 53b1 -0 52w1322,521,517
48Carnice Gatius Elisa Justa1646 17w0 45b1 3w0 27b0 28w0 44b0 57b1 51w½2,532,530,524
49Escale Balcells Jose1738 8w0 64b1 61w1 41b½ -0 19w0 36b0 31b02,532,53024,5
50Pinol Romero Xavier1700 24b1 33b0 17w0 59w½ 30b0 -0 62w+ -02,5292722,5
51Torres Marsol Jordi1700 33w0 42b0 40w1 38b0 52w1 37w0 43b- 48b½2,5252419,5
52Roca Olive Jordi1547 7w0 46b+ 21b0 43w0 51b0 65w+ 46w0 47b0229,527,521,5
53Niubo Parramon Edgar1465 41w0 -1 7b0 30w0 59b0 47w0 64b+ 42b022826,520,5
54Perez Castells Quim1694 6b0 24w- 64w- 64w+ 40w0 57b+ 29w- -0226,524,519
55Pedra Marquina Alex1702 11b0 65w1 26b0 42w0 63b1 -0 44w0 -02262520,5
56Coromina Suyanti Cecilia1576 26b0 38w- 45w0 -0 65b1 60w+ 38w0 37b0225,523,519,5
57Clua Aparicio Hugo1479 21b0 30w0 44b0 62w- -1 54w- 48w0 65b+223,522,518
58Cosialls Baz Daniel2034 46w1 36b½ -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -01,53027,522,5
59Benseny Lorenzo Carlos1682 10w0 25b0 12w0 50b½ 53w1 46b0 39w- 40b01,529,528,522,5
60Bermudez Monlleo Rodrigo1702 18w0 63b1 16w0 22b0 31w0 56b- -0 -0128,527,522
61Turuguet Lopez Josep Lluis2042 30b1 20w0 49b0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -01272520,5
62Gasso Gonzalez Gloria1656 13b- 23w0 46b0 57b+ 25w0 -0 50b- -0126,524,520
63Ros Peropadre Joel1456 22b0 60w0 31b0 -1 55w0 39b0 65w0 -0124,522,517
64Vila Minguell Lluis1492 20b0 49w0 54b- 54b- 47b0 -1 53w- -0123,522,518
65Simo Camins Derec1489 36w0 55b0 32w0 40b0 56w0 52b- 63b1 57w-1222116

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