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Last update 14.05.2017 14:20:00, Creator/Last Upload: Chantelle Jacobs

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Final Ranking crosstable after 6 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Eyberg Zoe1139RSA 29w1 18b1 10w1 8b1 9w1 4b1602315,5
2Brugman Ilse1224RSA 27b1 30w1 9b0 17w1 14b1 7w1502214,5
3Montgomery Elizabeth1140RSA 39b1 17w1 19b½ 7w½ 8b1 13w1502115
4WCMClaassen Anke1183RSA 24w1 20b1 15w1 9b½ 5w1 1w04,502516
5Blakenberg Taylon1080RSA 21b1 7w½ 34b1 19w1 4b0 23w14,5021,514,5
6Vergeest Karen1020RSA 44b1 34w0 21b1 30w1 23b½ 20w14,501812,5
7Booyse Chloe805RSA 41w1 5b½ 22w1 3b½ 10w1 2b0402417
8Lott Nicole914RSA 50b1 12w1 11b1 1w0 3w0 29b1402316
9Cloete Marion978RSA 49w1 48b1 2w1 4w½ 1b0 12b½4021,514,5
10Spies Elne957RSA 26b1 43w1 1b0 27w1 7b0 28w14020,513
11Smith Alchanka993RSA 28w1 37b1 8w0 18b1 13w0 22b1402014
12Brugman Karla1272RSA 35w1 8b0 16b½ 26w1 34b1 9w½4019,513
13Robertson Kaylin0RSA 34b0 44w1 39b1 25w1 11b1 3b04018,511,5
14Nkomo Amahle922RSA 31w- 38b1 28w1 37b1 2w0 24b14018,511,5
15Chinthala Sreeja973RSA 25b1 47w1 4b0 34w½ 16b½ 27w1401812
16Pienaar Ane1025RSA 33w1 22b½ 12w½ 20b½ 15w½ 17b½3,5021,514,5
17Van Staden Aimee811RSA 45w1 3b0 31w1 2b0 33w1 16w½3,502114
18Pietersen Jody-Lee809RSA 32b1 1w0 40b1 11w0 21b½ 35w13,502113
19Hendricks Alexandra959RSA 42w1 31b1 3w½ 5b0 22w0 34b13,502013
20Janda Sinovuyo839RSA 40b1 4w0 47b1 16w½ 30b1 6b03,501913
21Sadien Tracey-Lee716RSA 5w0 41b1 6w0 38b1 18w½ 37b13,5018,512
22Mfundisi Inga805RSA 52b1 16w½ 7b0 39w1 19b1 11w03,5017,513
23Davids Christa893RSA 38w0 42b1 48w1 24b1 6w½ 5b03,501711,5
24Booyse Paige769RSA 4b0 50w1 43b1 23w0 32b1 14w0301812,5
25Laverlot Nicole633RSA 15w0 36b½ 35w1 13b0 26w½ 45b1301812
Martin Erin597RSA 10w0 35b½ 36w1 12b0 25b½ 41w1301812
27Figlan Zikhona773RSA 2w0 51b1 38w1 10b0 42w1 15b03017,512
28Michiel Leonie672RSA 11b0 52w1 14b0 40w1 37w1 10b0301712
29Fredericks Janine717RSA 1b0 40w0 51b1 31w1 41b1 8w0301710,5
30Arries Taryn845RSA 51w1 2b0 49w1 6b0 20w0 38b13016,511
31Seholoba Retshepile571RSA 14b+ 19w0 17b0 29b0 46w1 43w1301611
32September Chaneeka500RSA 18w0 33b1 37w0 49b1 24w0 42b13014,510
33Arendse Amy Leigh694RSA 16b0 32w0 52b1 47w1 17b0 40w1301410
34Wildschut Anneline803RSA 13w1 6b1 5w0 15b½ 12w0 19w02,5024,516,5
35Volschenk Tertia775RSA 12b0 26w½ 25b0 44w1 45w1 18b02,5017,511,5
36Dyantyi Simamkele856RSA 47b0 25w½ 26b0 41b0 51w1 48w12,50117,5
37Fredericks Devone796RSA 46b1 11w0 32b1 14w0 28b0 21w0202013,5
38Goedeman Elzane500RSA 23b1 14w0 27b0 21w0 39b1 30w02019,513
39Slimmert Lydine760RSA 3w0 45b1 13w0 22b0 38w0 49b12017,511,5
40Mitchels Jamy-Lee500RSA 20w0 29b1 18w0 28b0 49w1 33b0201712,5
41Hoffman Anastacia0RSA 7b0 21w0 50b1 36w1 29w0 26b0201712
42Gaca Natalia602RSA 19b0 23w0 46b1 43w1 27b0 32w02016,511,5
43Witbooi Yasmin0RSA -1 10b0 24w0 42b0 50w1 31b0201510
44Phillips Donnique687RSA 6w0 13b0 45w0 35b0 52w1 50b12014,59,5
45Ockhuys Shenay500RSA 17b0 39w0 44b1 48w1 35b0 25w020149,5
46Thom Morganne0RSA 37w0 49b0 42w0 51w1 31b0 47b1209,56,5
47Kaptein Desiree500RSA 36w1 15b0 20w0 33b0 48b½ 46w01,50,51611
48Ariefdien Tatum640RSA 53w+ 9w0 23b0 45b0 47w½ 36b01,50,51610,5
49Gertse Lillian638RSA 9b0 46w1 30b0 32w0 40b0 39w0101610
50Eiman Willdene500RSA 8w0 24b0 41w0 52b1 43b0 44w010138,5
51Michaels Lauri-Kay500RSA 30b0 27w0 29w0 46b0 36b0 52w½0,50,51410,5
52Le Roux Riana0RSA 22w0 28b0 33w0 50w0 44b0 51b½0,50,5139
53Pietersen Genevieve991RSA 48b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -00013,59

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)