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Last update 14.05.2017 14:20:15, Creator/Last Upload: Chantelle Jacobs

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Final Ranking crosstable after 6 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Vester Jordan1776RSA 22w1 9b1 4w1 2b½ 6w1 3w½502618
2De Jager Luan1855RSA 27b1 28w1 8b1 1w½ 5b½ 11w15023,515,5
3FMAgulhas Keegan1903RSA 31w1 20b1 16w1 6b½ 10w1 1b½502315
4Felix Devon1424RSA 51b+ 23w1 1b0 24w1 13b1 5w1502214,5
5CMFlores Bartoli Andrew1585RSA 30w1 13b1 17w1 7b1 2w½ 4b04,5024,516,5
6Samuels Ethan1619RSA 21b1 15w1 10b1 3w½ 1b0 16w14,5024,516,5
7Yu Houston1494RSA 19b1 24w1 11b½ 5w0 33b1 17w14,502114
8Briedenhann Corne1487RSA 39w1 36b1 2w0 12b½ 9w½ 29b1402114
9Farao Franco1328RSA 32b1 1w0 37b½ 18w1 8b½ 23w1402013
10Frank Daniel1449RSA 35w1 25b1 6w0 36b1 3b0 24w1402012,5
11Bown Dean1382RSA 43w1 40b1 7w½ 16b½ 25w1 2b0401912,5
12Briedenhann Laurence1242RSA 46w1 -0 26b1 8w½ 14b½ 20b14018,514
13Dyzel Pieter1300RSA 47b1 5w0 38b1 21b1 4w0 27w1401812,5
14Josephs Dylan1310RSA 34w½ 29b0 45w1 22b1 12w½ 21b14017,511,5
15Dyalvane Litha1336RSA 49w1 6b0 21w0 44b1 30w1 25b1401610,5
16Swart George1470RSA 37b1 33w1 3b0 11w½ 32b1 6b03,5020,513,5
17Lackay Dario1374RSA 38b1 48w1 5b0 33w½ 23b1 7b03,501712
18Cooksen Jaden1006RSA 20w0 22b½ 31w1 9b0 45w1 33w13,501711,5
19Deysel Ashwin1135RSA 7w0 45b½ 22w0 26b1 34w1 32b13,501711
20Freeks Karl1342RSA 18b1 3w0 27b1 23w0 37b1 12w0302114
21Herman Berjuton-Lee1150RSA 6w0 49b1 15b1 13w0 28b1 14w03020,515
22Snell Connor1178RSA 1b0 18w½ 19b1 14w0 35b½ 38w13020,513,5
23Saaiman Aaron1247RSA 26w1 4b0 40w1 20b1 17w0 9b03019,513,5
24Bezuidenhout Zander1280RSA 45w1 7b0 39w1 4b0 43w1 10b03018,512,5
25Lewis Gershwin1226RSA 53b+ 10w0 48b1 28w1 11b0 15w0301813,5
26Karolus Donzowaan500RSA 23b0 35b1 12w0 19w0 42b1 39b13017,511
27Van Wyk Rowan-Lee1180RSA 2w0 44b1 20w0 40b1 39w1 13b03017,511
28Palmer Keagan1351RSA 44w1 2b0 34w1 25b0 21w0 43b1301710
29Visagie Joubert1262RSA 42b0 14w1 32b½ 37w½ 41b1 8w0301610,5
30Campher Keegan1141RSA 5b0 32w0 49b1 38w1 15b0 41w13015,510
31Van Zyl Albrecht1215RSA 3b0 38w0 18b0 47w1 46b1 37w130148,5
32Mbuzeli Richard933RSA 9w0 30b1 29w½ 34b1 16w0 19w02,5019,513
33Swartbooi Macniel1256RSA 41w1 16b0 43w1 17b½ 7w0 18b02,5018,512,5
34Isaacs Everard879RSA 14b½ 42w1 28b0 32w0 19b0 44b12,501711
35Abrahams Waheeb1083RSA 10b0 26w0 47b1 41w0 22w½ 45b12,50149
36Davids Keegan1246RSA 52b+ 8w0 42b1 10w0 -0 -0201913
37Roos Rico1088RSA 16w0 41b1 9w½ 29b½ 20w0 31b0201812,5
38Bown Hyrone1028RSA 17w0 31b1 13w0 30b0 40w1 22b0201812,5
39Harris Mikyall1115RSA 8b0 47w1 24b0 42w1 27b0 26w0201611
40Irish Duwayne500RSA 50w+ 11w0 23b0 27w0 38b0 47w12015,510,5
41Correia Stephan500RSA 33b0 37w0 -1 35b1 29w0 30b02014,510
42Claassen Keith500RSA 29w1 34b0 36w0 39b0 26w0 46w12013,510
43Titoti Imraan1045RSA 11b0 46w1 33b0 48w1 24b0 28w02013,59
Kammies Mitchell1022RSA 28b0 27w0 46b1 15w0 48b1 34w02013,59
45Van Der Vent Lorenzo851RSA 24b0 19w½ 14b0 49w1 18b0 35w01,5017,512,5
46Conradie Ruan0RSA 12b0 43b0 44w0 -1 31w0 42b01014,59
47Booysen Mondre859RSA 13w0 39b0 35w0 31b0 49w1 40b010149
48Tromp Francois0RSA -1 17b0 25w0 43b0 44w0 49b01013,59
49Heppell Reevan951RSA 15b0 21w0 30w0 45b0 47b0 48w110138,5
50De Beer Werner1250RSA 40b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -00013,59
Crotz Greagan1069RSA 4w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -00013,59
Pasqualle Lazio500RSA 36w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -00013,59
Marias Enrique0RSA 25w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -00013,59

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)