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Áôïìéêü ÐñùôÜèëçìá Rapid ÁôôéêÞò 2009 «ÈïäùñÞò Ðáðáèåïäþñïõ»

Last update 03.01.2010 14:30:04, Creator/Last Upload: Greek Chess Federation

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Final Ranking crosstable after 7 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Varvadoukas Theodoros2139GRE 36w1 28b1 23w1 20b1 5w1 3b½ 2b½603326,5
2FMGoritsas Christos2302GRE 38w1 25b1 6w1 3b½ 34w1 7b1 1w½603325,5
3Georgilakis K2074GRE 60b1 37w1 10b1 2w½ 13b1 1w½ 9b1603325
4Dimopoulos Symeon1989GRE 71b1 59w1 13b0 18w1 6b1 8w1 14w16026,523
5Psaras Stilianos2136GRE 43b1 33w1 22b1 13w½ 1b0 16w1 15w15,5030,523
6Papahristoudis Anastasios2092GRE 53w1 29b1 2b0 37w1 4w0 44b1 23w15029,520
7Valden Petros2215GRE 50w1 26b1 20w0 30b1 23w1 2w0 27b1502921
8Kakadelis Str2066GRE 47w½ 31b1 30w½ 29b1 25w1 4b0 26w1502920
9Leodiadis Konstantinos1928GRE 34b0 54w1 48b1 39w1 20w1 11b1 3w0502820
10Skaperdas Kostantinos2233GRE 49w1 17b1 3w0 26b0 64w1 34b1 22w15027,519
11Papadimitriou Loukas2180GRE 42b0 57w1 56b1 28w1 22b1 9w0 24b1502519
12Fanourgakis Konstantinos1885GRE 68w1 13w0 60b1 19b0 43w1 20b1 21w15024,518
13Makka Evanthia2117GRE 62w1 12b1 4w1 5b½ 3w0 14b0 34w14,5032,521
14Zygouris Hristos2243GRE 18b1 40w1 16b0 21b½ 17w1 13w1 4b04,5031,520
15Kalaras Haralambos1820GRE 39b1 22w0 33b1 17b½ 35w1 27w1 5b04,502919
16Lemos Nikolaos2037GRE 41w1 44b1 14w1 34b0 21w½ 5b0 38w14,5027,520,5
17Makkas Panayiotis1959GRE 45b1 10w0 43b1 15w½ 14b0 46w1 40b14,5026,517
18Fakkas Argiris1703GRE 14w0 74b1 61w1 4b0 65w1 25b1 19w½4,5024,516,5
19Papapetropoulos Periklis2115GRE 59b0 66w1 35b1 12w1 27b0 37w1 18b½4,502417,5
20Vazelakis Dimitrios2042GRE 67b1 48w1 7b1 1w0 9b0 12w0 44b1402919
21Goumas Ioannis2232GRE 56b1 34w½ 27b1 14w½ 16b½ 24w½ 12b0402819,5
22Patriarheas Georgios2035GRE 69w1 15b1 5w0 44b1 11w0 36b1 10b0402819
Cimina Andra2035LAT 58b1 42w1 1b0 38w1 7b0 48w1 6b0402819
24Iliopoulos Rigas1898GRE 31w½ 47b1 34w0 32b1 26w1 21b½ 11w04027,517,5
25Gjomemo Enton1988ALB 54b1 2w0 42b1 45w1 8b0 18w0 48b14027,517
26Kelaidis Theoharis1928GRE 63b1 7w0 46b1 10w1 24b0 42w1 8b0402718
27Laggousis Andreas2010GRE 66w1 61b1 21w0 36b1 19w1 15b0 7w0402520
28Samaras Eleftherios1894GRE 70b1 1w0 59b1 11b0 36w0 35b1 49w1402415
Mouratidis Haralambos1857GRE 51b1 6w0 63b1 8w0 46b0 47w1 45b1402415
30Fessas Prokopios1896GRE 35b½ 72w1 8b½ 7w0 42b0 62w1 46b1402415
31Kiriazis Dimitrios1762GRE 24b½ 8w0 57b1 35w0 39b1 45w½ 52b1402413,5
32Hatzigiannis Trifon1883GRE 57b½ 35w0 47b1 24w0 45b½ 59w1 42b1402113
33Kampitsis Vasilios1890GRE 74w1 5b0 15w0 60b0 71w1 61b1 50w14020,513
34Alexopoulos Alexios1894GRE 9w1 21b½ 24b1 16w1 2b0 10w0 13b03,503319
35Lambrakis Harilaos1605GRE 30w½ 32b1 19w0 31b1 15b0 28w0 56b13,5027,514,5
36Gazis Georgios1622GRE 1b0 67w1 40b1 27w0 28b1 22w0 37b½3,502714,5
37Zahariou Nikolaus1855GRE 73w1 3b0 62w1 6b0 61w1 19b0 36w½3,502515,5
38Arvanitis Georgios1729GRE 2b0 70w1 72b1 23b0 60w1 40w½ 16b03,5024,515
39Kelaidis Georgios1959GRE 15w0 41b1 50w½ 9b0 31w0 66w1 43b13,5024,511,5
40Dimopoulos Nikolaos1942GRE 52w1 14b0 36w0 59b1 49w1 38b½ 17w03,5023,515
41Florou Venetia1085GRE 16b0 39w0 55b0 68w1 54b1 56w½ 57b13,5020,59
42Roinos Ilias1640GRE 11w1 23b0 25w0 53b1 30w1 26b0 32w0302814
43Floros Konstaninos1598GRE 5w0 53b1 17w0 52b1 12b0 55w1 39w0302712
44Mitsakos Achilleas1758GRE 46b1 16w0 51b1 22w0 63b1 6w0 20w03025,515
45Kalpakos Theodoros0GRE 17w0 65b1 49w1 25b0 32w½ 31b½ 29w03025,513,5
46Tolias Andreas1545GRE 44w0 52b1 26w0 55b1 29w1 17b0 30w0302513
47Drakoulakos Grigorios1195GRE 8b½ 24w0 32w0 57b1 50w½ 29b0 62b13024,510
48Megaloudis Petros1740GRE 65w1 20b0 9w0 51b1 62w1 23b0 25w0302414
49Pantazis Konstantinos1665GRE 10b0 58w1 45b0 72w1 40b0 63w1 28b03022,512
50Efkarpidis Stylianos1661GRE 7b0 71w1 39b½ 63w0 47b½ 51w1 33b03021,512
51Papadopoulos Panagiotis1090GRE 29w0 64b1 44w0 48w0 73b1 50b0 61w13019,510
Kiritsis Nikolaos1000GRE 40b0 46w0 70b1 43w0 72b+ 64b1 31w03019,510
53Apostolou Nikolaos1000GRE 6b0 43w0 66b1 42w0 56b0 67w1 59b130198
Tsanelis Eleftherios1000GRE 25w0 9b0 74w1 61b0 41w0 71b1 63b130198
55Romantzis Foivos1000GRE 61w0 62b0 41w1 46w0 58b1 43b0 65w130189
56Tsilimigakis Hristos1662GRE 21w0 68b1 11w0 65b0 53w1 41b½ 35w02,5022,510
57Mihaloudis Georgios1435GRE 32w½ 11b0 31w0 47w0 70b1 65b1 41w02,5022,58,5
58Georgitsi Antigoni1010GRE 23w0 49b0 73w1 64b0 55w0 69b½ 68w12,5017,57
59Kalpakos Dionisios1540GRE 19w1 4b0 28w0 40w0 67b1 32b0 53w0202710
60Chalikias Miltiadis1410GRE 3w0 73b1 12w0 33w1 38b0 -0 -02026,510
61Lykeridis Andreas1570GRE 55b1 27w0 18b0 54w1 37b0 33w0 51b0202511
62Dragonas Antonios1620GRE 13b0 55w1 37b0 71w1 48b0 30b0 47w0202210
63Kountouriotis Stylianos1255GRE 26w0 69b1 29w0 50b1 44w0 49b0 54w02021,510
64Ifandis Andreas1663GRE 72b0 51w0 67b1 58w1 10b0 52w0 -020209
Tsivourakis Panteleimon1340GRE 48b0 45w0 68b1 56w1 18b0 57w0 55b020209
66Gouvas Alexandros1180GRE 27b0 19b0 53w0 67w0 -1 39b0 71w12019,54
67Floros Athanasios1005GRE 20w0 36b0 64w0 66b1 59w0 53b0 69w120185
68Panopoulos Orestis1005GRE 12b0 56w0 65w0 41b0 69w½ 70b1 58b01,51,5183,5
69Von Eickstedt Alexander1005GRE 22b0 63w0 71b0 70w½ 68b½ 58w½ 67b01,51144,5
70Megalios Argirios1015GRE 28w0 38b0 52w0 69b½ 57w0 68w0 -11,50,516,53
71Kafantaris Alexios-Nikolaos1010GRE 4w0 50b0 69w1 62b0 33b0 54w0 66b010215
72Petroulakis Panagiotis1090GRE 64w1 30b0 38w0 49b0 52w- -0 -01020,57
73Sotiriou Spyridon1000GRE 37b0 60w0 58b0 74b1 51w0 -0 -01017,54
74Megaliou Ioanna1015GRE 33b0 18w0 54b0 73w0 -0 -0 -000180

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break3: Fide Tie-Break