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2017 South African Open Championship

Last update 22.07.2017 16:20:47, Creator/Last Upload: Keith Rust

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Final Ranking crosstable after 11 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.Rd10.Rd11.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3  TB4 Rp
1GMGrover Sahaj2484IND 35b1 49w1 28b1 9w1 4b1 8w½ 24b1 2w½ 3b1 17b1 15w1100786470,002500
2IMJere Daniel2380ZAM 18w½ 78b1 15w1 10b½ 19w1 36b1 4w1 1b½ 8w½ 25b1 3w½8,5078,564,558,502257
3IMMakoto Rodwell2372ZIM 55b1 63w1 20b1 6w1 24b½ 17w½ 49b1 8w½ 1w0 9b1 2b½807762,552,252286
4Masango Spencer2203ZIM 41w1 39b1 43w1 36b1 1w0 61b1 2b0 12w1 24b1 8b½ 5w½8075,560,549,502279
5IMKobese Watu2367RSA 80w+ 71b1 19w½ 26w1 17b0 49w0 76b1 38w1 20b1 11w1 4b½8068,55651,002141
6FMDe Abreu Roberto N2145RSA 65b1 77w1 29b1 3b0 36w0 14w1 12b0 82w1 49b1 43w1 8b18066,554,546,002086
7Zwakala Ntando2020RSA 78w½ 18b½ 74w½ 52b½ 55w1 50b1 39w½ 40b1 27w½ 35b1 17w18063,552,547,001908
8IMMwali Chitumbo2356ZAM 73b1 51w1 26b½ 38w1 11w1 1b½ 9w1 3b½ 2b½ 4w½ 6w07,50796450,502249
9Mnguni Jacob Dumisani2147RSA116w+ 47w1 12b1 1b0 10w1 13w1 8b0 49w1 11b½ 3w0 29b17,50786351,002184
10Choko Siyabonga V.1968RSA 59b1 66w1 17b½ 2w½ 9b0 84w1 65b1 13w0 14b½ 37w1 24b17,507057,544,002028
11FMBhawoodien Mohamed Ozayr2103RSA117b+100w1 37b½ 50w1 8b0 30b1 17w½ 16b1 9w½ 5b0 25w17,506958,546,002126
12Wilken Justin Barend1920RSA105b1 68w1 9w0 82b1 25w0 83b1 6w1 4b0 18w1 27b½ 26w17,50675541,752007
13FMSolomons Deon2120RSA 57w1 87b1 62w1 24b0 63w1 9b0 36w1 10b1 17w0 26b1 16w½7,506754,542,502031
14Pesa Mofoka A.1799RSA 56w1 24b0 91w1 25b0 69w1 6b0 64w1 61b1 10w½ 53b1 27w17,5065,553,540,251994
15Jacobs Kevin T1882RSA 97b½ 75w1 2b0 66w0 88b1 77w1 47b1 21w1 28b1 24w1 1b07,506551,539,752004
16Mpya Tshediso M1897RSA 46w1 62b0 82w- 67b1 82w1 64w1 28b1 11w0 65b1 20w1 13b½7,506351,541,751941
17FMPon Matt2163RSA 82w1 33b1 10w½ 23b1 5w1 3b½ 11b½ 20w½ 13b1 1w0 7b07079,565,546,752131
18FMEssa Naseem Ahmed1682RSA 2b½ 7w½ 95b1 31w1 27b½ 21w0 32b1 19w½ 12b0 61w1 43b170716041,502053
19CMGoosen Anton2004RSA 54b1 42w1 5b½ 37w1 2b0 27w0 51w1 18b½ 35w0 62b1 41w170695640,251924
20FMOberholzer Francois2046RSA106w1104b1 3w0 74b½ 33w1 51b1 27w1 17b½ 5w0 16b0 40w170685638,752018
21FMBhawoodien Shabir Hussain2066RSA 44w0 86w1 89b1 34b1 51w½ 18b1 26w0 15b0 39w1 40b½ 35w17064,55339,001828
22Skosana Stephen K.2027RSA 50b½ 85w1 23b- 41b1 83w½ 63b1 40w½ 39b1 26w0 38w½ 42b1706150,537,251846
23Pather Sachen1455RSA 76w1 53b½ 22w+ 17w0 37b0 33b0 44w½100w1 83b1 49w1 38b1705949,534,751892
24IMOatlhotse Providence2190BOT 89b1 14w1 27b1 13w1 3w½ 25b1 1w0 26b1 4w0 15b0 10w06,50806643,002122
25Mwale Joseph2159MAW 58b1 72w1 36b- 14w1 12b1 24w0 29b½ 37w1 30b1 2w0 11b06,5072,559,540,252051
26CMAbrantes Persson2003MOZ 92w1 52b1 8w½ 5b0 72b1 37w1 21b1 24w0 22b1 13w0 12b06,5070,55937,752038
27AIMSalimu Reuben1968ZIM 91w1 64b1 24w0 87b1 18w½ 19b1 20b0 50w1 7b½ 12w½ 14b06,50705837,751886
28CMGovindasamy Nashlen2087RSA118w+ 44b1 1w0 33b½ 74w1 40b½ 16w0 83b1 15w0 65w1 31b½6,5069,555,535,501874
29Naidu Sayen1865RSA 69w1 67b1 6w0 57b1 61w0 68b1 25w½ 43b0 52w1 30b1 9w06,5063,55134,001878
30Du Plessis Heinco2003RSA 75b½ 50w0 97b1 84w1 66b1 11w0 33b1 35w+ 25w0 29w0 58b16,506150,532,751735
31WIMTlale Tshepang1927RSA 81w½ 88b1 34w½ 18b0 73w1 39b0 67w½ 55b1 74w1 41b½ 28w½6,50594832,501757
32Qobo Lulama T.1881RSA 90w0 91b0 46w1 92b1 57w1 52b½ 18w0 42b1 41w0 74b1 51w16,50574633,501684
33Khumalo Keith1766RSA103b1 17w0 79b1 28w½ 20b0 23w1 30w0 62b½ 90w1 36b½ 52w16,5055,547,527,751791
34Kabi Thato1752RSA 99b½ 70w1 31b½ 21w0 68b0 79w½ 54b0 97w1 75b1 66w1 61b+6,5053,54330,251615
35Rooplal Desmond1686RSA 1w0 46b1 69w1 63b0 94w1 43b1 61w1 30b- 19b1 7w0 21b0607156,534,001992
36Subke Jason James1932RSA120b+ 90b1 25w+ 4w0 6b1 2w0 13b0 65w0 69b1 33w½ 44b½607057,533,251822
37Mgobhozi Bhekinkosi1837RSA 96b1 95w1 11w½ 19b0 23w1 26b0 52w1 25b0 45w1 10b0 39w½60655530,501809
38Botao Milton1963MOZ 88w½ 81b1 40w1 8b0 50w0 41b1 74w1 5b0 51w1 22b½ 23w06064,55331,751844
39Masiya Mfundo1806RSA101b1 4w0 84b0 79w1 42b1 31w1 7b½ 22w0 21b0 54w1 37b½60645430,501838
40CMMazibuko Khanya1808RSA 70b½ 97w1 38b0 85w1 75b1 28w½ 22b½ 7w0 50b1 21w½ 20b06063,55230,001778
41Mashope Mpho D.1668RSA 4b0 96w1 85b½ 22w0 70b1 38w0 66b1 76w1 32b1 31w½ 19b06063,551,529,751785
42Nhamuave Eleazar1615RSA 61w1 19b0 71w1 51b0 39w0 69b1 48b1 32w0 67w1 63b1 22w06062,550,530,501855
43FMGluckman Paul1981RSA119b+ 79w1 4b0 77w1 49b0 35w0100b1 29w1 63b1 6b0 18w0606150,526,501805
44Reddy Ananta1618RSA 21b1 28w0 49b0 86w½ 85b0 70w1 23b½ 93w1 68w1 45b½ 36w½60574630,751661
45Mlahleki Vusimuzi1871RSA 66b0 59w½ 70b½ 54w1 58b½ 75w1 50b0 89w1 37b0 44w½ 62w16056,546,529,251599
46Kheswa Itumeleng1513RSA 16b0 35w0 32b0101b½107w1 59w1 72b½ 86w1 61b0 67w1 63w16055,545,525,751743
47Vassiliadis John1729BOT102w1 9b0 64w1 61b0 62w½ 95b1 15w0 52b0 56w½ 90b1 68w16052,54322,751617
48Mafanya Kulasande1883RSA 64w0 92b1 57w0104b1 52w0 62b1 42w0 90b0100b1 69w1 73w16050,54225,001592
49Tavagwisa Lawrence1823ZIM 98w1 1b0 44w1 62b1 43w1 5b1 3w0 9b0 6w0 23b0 56w½5,5071,55829,501898
50Hattingh Krishna1608RSA 22w½ 30b1 53w1 11b0 38b1 7w0 45w1 27b0 40w0 51b0 78w15,5067,555,531,251907
51Southey Andrew M.1807RSA122w+ 8b0104w1 42w1 21b½ 20w0 19b0 54w1 38b0 50w1 32b05,506755,529,501835
52Nyathi Musa1554RSA107b+ 26w0 72b½ 7w½ 48b1 32w½ 37b0 47w1 29b0 83w1 33b05,5065,553,530,501808
53Saffier Jannie1947RSA 84b1 23w½ 50b0 75w0 59b1 65w0 78b1 87w½ 64b1 14w0 60b½5,50614928,251566
54Fourie Louhan1597RSA 19w0 61b0 56w1 45b0 98w1 71b½ 34w1 51b0 76w1 39b0 74w15,505847,526,001782
55Mahomole Mahlodi J.1676RSA 3w0 69b0 98w1 91b1 7b0 96w½ 79b1 31w0 66b0 86w1 75b15,505644,521,501639
56Pather Cayden1465RSA 14b0 89w0 54b0 96w0105b+ 80b1 91w1 58w½ 47b½ 82w1 49b½5,5054,54427,001619
57Ohlson Cecil1637RSA 13b0101w1 48b1 29w0 32b0 86w½ 85b½ 69w0 72b½ 96w1 89b15,505444,522,251627
58Mahomole Sekgwari1661RSA 25w0102b½ 94w½ 64b0 45w½ 88w1 86b½ 56b½ 96w1 71b1 30w05,50534424,001652
59Maloba David1567RSA 10w0 45b½102w1 83b0 53w0 46b0 94w1 95b1 71w0 77b1 80w15,505343,522,001680
60FMChetty Cailin1675RSA -0 -0 -0 -0 -0101b1103b1 88w1 84w1 70b1 53w½5,50463918,251976
61Mosenya Ndawana2062BOT 42b0 54w1100b1 47w1 29b1 4w0 35b0 14w0 46w1 18b0 34w-5067,55726,501730
62Nkuna Windsor1437RSA112b+ 16w1 13b0 49w0 47b½ 48w0 77b1 33w½ 82b1 19w0 45b05065,553,526,751775
63Vermaak Ashley Christopher1809RSA121w+ 3b0106w1 35w1 13b0 22w0 84b1 67b1 43w0 42w0 46b05065,553,524,501718
64Moremi Thato1505RSA 48b1 27w0 47b0 58w1 80w1 16b0 14b0 72w1 53w0 73b0 83w150645225,501744
65FMModi Yashil1639RSA 6w0 94b0101w1 90b1 71w1 53b1 10w0 36b1 16w0 28b0 -050625221,501853
66Boleme Reetsang William1494RSA 45w1 10b0 83w½ 15b1 30w0 76b0 41w0 77b1 55w1 34b0 71w½506250,527,501767
67Matras Ivan1420RSA113b+ 29w0 73b½ 16w0 89b1 72w1 31b½ 63w0 42b0 46b0 92w150604822,751660
68WFMWoolf Charne1451RSA111b+ 12b0 87w0 80b1 34w1 29w0 82b0 84w1 44b0 89w1 47b05059,54824,001639
69Richter Jan-Michael1491RSA 29b0 55w1 35b0100w1 14b0 42w0 92w1 57b1 36w0 48b0 88w150594921,501680
70Mello Nkwadi1474RSA 40w½ 34b0 45w½ 76b½ 41w0 44b0 81w1 79b1 89b½ 60w0 82b+5058,54722,751616
71WIMTembo Epah1818ZAM 93b1 5w0 42b0105w1 65b0 54w½ 75b0 85w1 59b1 58w0 66b½5057,54623,251525
72WIMVilhete Vania Fausto Da T.1759MOZ123b+ 25b0 52w½ 78b1 26w0 67b0 46w½ 64b0 57w½ 92b½ 90w15056,545,522,751553
73Mgaga Bongani1673RSA 8w0 98b1 67w½ 94b½ 31b0 93w0 90w0 91b1 85b1 64w1 48b050544321,251591
74Mahlangu Sipho1739RSA 86b½ 99w1 7b½ 20w½ 28b0 85w1 38b0 75w1 31b0 32w0 54b04,5061,55021,501627
75Millard Chad1588RSA 30w½ 15b0 81w1 53b1 40w0 45b0 71w1 74b0 34w0 76b1 55w04,50614922,501738
76Danisa Cyril T.1797RSA 23b0 84w0 96b1 70w½ 81b1 66w1 5w0 41b0 54b0 75w0 85b14,505644,519,751475
77Booysen Neil1710RSA125w+ 6b0 90w1 43b0 95w½ 15b0 62w0 66w0 93b1 59w0 97b14,505544,516,751512
78Phahlane Lesiba Joel1602RSA 7b½ 2w0 99b1 72w0 86b½ 87w½ 53w0 96b0 95w1 94b+ 50b04,50554418,501574
79Jansen Lyle John1508RSA110w+ 43b0 33w0 39b0102w1 34b½ 55w0 70w0 97b0 99b1 94w+4,5051,54315,501460
80Mantati Victor S1674RSA 5b- -0 93b1 68w0 64b0 56w0102b1 98w1 86b½ 97w1 59b04,5048,540,515,001443
81Moodley Yudhisthira1543RSA 31b½ 38w0 75b0 99w1 76w0 89b0 70b0101w0103b1 95w1 98w14,5042,53513,751504
82Puran Ahdir1663RSA 17b0 93w1 16b+ 12w0 16b0 92b1 68w1 6b0 62w0 56b0 70w-4062,550,516,501601
83Jacobs Cavan1692RSA 85b0105w1 66b½ 59w1 22b½ 12w0 93b1 28w0 23w0 52b0 64b04060,54920,251485
84Ambali Jozef1557ZAM 53w0 76b1 39w1 30b0 87w1 10b0 63w0 68b0 60b0 85w0100b1405847,518,001603
85Samuriwo John0RSA 83w1 22b0 41w½ 40b0 44w1 74b0 57w½ 71b0 73w0 84b1 76w0405846,519,751626
86Daniel Angelo1302RSA 74w½ 21b0 88w½ 44b½ 78w½ 57b½ 58w½ 46b0 80w½ 55b0 91w½4057,546,519,501539
87Mofokeng Rasweu Samson1692RSA126w+ 13w0 68b1 27w0 84b0 78b½ 95w1 53b½ -0 -0 -040564616,751626
88Lesuthu Kali M.1561RSA 38b½ 31w0 86b½ 89w½ 15w0 58b0 98w½ 60b0102b1 93w1 69b040564614,751507
89Schutte Rico1666RSA 24w0 56b1 21w0 88b½ 67w0 81w1 96b1 45b0 70w½ 68b0 57w040564517,751546
90Jenkins Tauriq1496RSA 32b1 36w0 77b0 65w0100b0102w1 73b1 48w1 33b0 47w0 72b04053,54519,501609
91Manganyi Ephic1582RSA 27b0 32w1 14b0 55w0 93b0 99w1 56b0 73w0 98b½100w1 86b½4053,543,516,251513
92Baloyi Sipho1596RSA 26b0 48w0103b1 32w0 97b1 82w0 69b0 94w½101b1 72w½ 67b04048,54111,251560
93Fibiger Jethro Nathanael1481RSA 71w0 82b0 80w0107b1 91w1 73b1 83w0 44b0 77w0 88b0101b14047,539,515,001567
94Njapha Mndeni1772RSA -0 65w1 58b½ 73w½ 35b0100w0 59b0 92b½ 99w1 78w- 79b-3,5053,544,516,251546
95Acar Cameron Gavin1247RSA115w+ 37b0 18w0106b+ 77b½ 47w0 87b0 59w0 78b0 81b0103w13,5052,544,58,001356
96WCMModi Sonia1486RSA 37w0 41b0 76w0 56b1103w1 55b½ 89w0 78w1 58b0 57b0 -03,5051,544,512,751511
97Vermeulen Ernestus Jacobus1499RSA 15w½ 40b0 30w0102b½ 92w0 98b½ 99w1 34b0 79w1 80b0 77w03,5051,54213,501512
98WCMMoodley Karmishta1486RSA 49b0 73w0 55b0103w1 54b0 97w½ 88b½ 80b0 91w½101w1 81b03,504639,58,751461
99Magangwe Ephraim1416RSA 34w½ 74b0 78w0 81b0101w1 91b0 97b0103w1 94b0 79w0102b13,5040338,001415
100Schutte Wian1621RSA108w+ 11b0 61w0 69b0 90w1 94b1 43w0 23b0 48w0 91b0 84w03057,546,511,501493
101Nonyana Reginald1467RSA 39w0 57b0 65b0 46w½ 99b0 60w0 -1 81b1 92w0 98b0 93w02,505342,59,501279
102Saravana Kumar Vedant1264IND 47b0 58w½ 59b0 97w½ 79b0 90b0 80w0 -1 88w0103b½ 99w02,5044,537,57,001249
103Curry Paul D.1442RSA 33w0106b0 92w0 98b0 96b0107w+ 60w0 99b0 81w0102w½ 95b01,5046362,001037
104WCMMarais Nina1584RSA109b+ 20w0 51b0 48w0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -01047,538,54,001112
105Garach Nithal1522RSA 12w0 83b0107w1 71b0 56w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0104535,54,001649
106Pwere Charles1609ZIM 20b0103w1 63b0 95w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -01042,534,51,001641
107Xulu Lethukuthula1937RSA 52w- -0105b0 93w0 46b0103b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -00039,532,50,00705
108Mthunzi Brighton2072RSA100b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00038,531,50,000
CMMbedza Richard1982MAW104w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00038,531,50,000
Mthunzi Clive1885RSA 79b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00038,531,50,000
Khondowe Davidson1772RSA 68w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00038,531,50,000
Molomo Madimetja Jackson1761RSA 62w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00038,531,50,000
More Felix1755RSA 67w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00038,531,50,000
Malatji Lackson M.1743RSA124w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00038,531,50,000
Mkhonza Mduduzi1728RSA 95b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00038,531,50,000
Mpinganjira Stanley Frank1661MAW 9b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00038,531,50,000
Mashibini Luyanda1632RSA 11w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00038,531,50,000
Maruma Abel1622RSA 28b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00038,531,50,000
Mashigo Hluli1584RSA 43w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00038,531,50,000
Manaba Thembani1548RSA 36w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00038,531,50,000
Legau Tsholofelo1481RSA 63b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00038,531,50,000
Kabuya Gabin Tshibangu1470RSA 51b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00038,531,50,000
Landitho Mzwandile1430RSA 72w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00038,531,50,000
Racaza Sinovuyo1375RSA114b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00038,531,50,000
Garach Mayur1069RSA 77b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00038,531,50,000
Tshabalala Andile0RSA 87b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00038,531,50,000

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break4: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable