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Last update 21.08.2017 02:52:35, Creator/Last Upload: Rogério Kester

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Starting rank list

1CARDOSO Thiago RodriguesBRAPVH
2DA ROSA Cleiton Junior DutraBRASeringueiras
3DA SILVA Eduardo SouzaBRACabixi
4DAMAS Alexandre Thwa LeandroBRASão Francisco
5DE MORAES João Vitor de ToledoBRAVilhena
6DE OLIVEIRA Matheus GonçalvesBRAJi-paraná
7DE Oliveira Raniel GabrielBRAOuro Preto
8DE SOUZA Vitor BrunoBRACacoal
9DIAS Danilo Henrique BecalliBRANova Brasilandia
10DOS SANTOS Paulo Henrique MáximoBRAPVH
11GUILARDUCCI JR Fernando VieiraBRAJaru
12LARGA Carlos Eduardo dos Santos CintBRACacoal
13MINOSSO Kauan da SilvaBRAJaru
14ROYER Pedro Antonio de FrançaBRARolim de Moura
15SOARES Rariel SouzaBRAAriquemes
16Silva Diego da ConceiçãoBRAExtrema