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Circuito IRT LXSBC 2017 - Clássico - Fase Preliminar

Last update 25.09.2017 00:22:13, Creator/Last Upload: Federacao Paulista de Xadrez (1)

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Starting rank list

1NMZampronha Wladimir Camilo2103087BRA2126
2Dos Reis Leandro Aparecido C2101017BRA1996
3Federzoni Enzo2173301BRA1940
4Desideri Ricardo Maruchi2110440BRA1925
5Batista Roberto Adriano2106060BRA1890
6Silva Diogo Angeli2114607BRA1807
7Lacerda Vinicius2181126BRA1769
8Sousa Fabio De Fatima2134276BRA1753
9Takiguchi Angelica Tidori2102447BRA1685
10Zampronha Vitor Luis2164264BRA1615
11Santos Marcos Correia2166518BRA1592
12Ferreira Caio Tulio Moreira2192985BRA1510
13Rocha Anderson Rosendo22710094BRA1478
14Costa Iaggo Bernini2195283BRA1457
15De Martino Murilo Rocha Laragn22725369BRA1300
16Freire Leandro Da Costa2192993BRA1294
17Da Cunha Gabriela Goes22710884BRA1191
18Amaral Danilo Tokechi22725334BRA0
19Ghirelli EdeneiBRA0
20Takiguchi Gabriel Takashi22731032BRA0