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Individual National Championship 2017 - Final

Last update 28.01.2018 02:12:33, Creator/Last Upload: FSHK

Starting rank list of players

5FMSaraci Nderim6351921KOS2259
12IMSadiku Bedri915998KOS2095
7FMHamiti Gani4701194KOS2059
9Mehaj Driton3600297KOS2011
8Uruci Besim22100717KOS1980
6Saraci Osman4701933KOS1947
3Zenuni Albert4702360KOS1940
10Gashi Blerim22100857KOS1929
1Bujupi Albert22100024KOS1926
2Vrella Hysen22100547KOS1881
11Uruci Endrit22100199KOS1863
4Asllani Muhamet22100300KOS1842