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Campeonato Piauiense de Xadrez Absoluto 2017 - Final

Last update 22.10.2017 17:44:33, Creator/Last Upload: FPIX

Starting rank list of players

3Silva Sobrinho Agostinho Jose45742102927BRA21282124
1Bastos Werton Alvarenga40962116324BRA20672095
6Amorim Gidelson Ferreira402202159112BRA20062014
2Meneses Lourenco Teixeira De300902137631BRA19721989
7Carvalho Lazaro Miranda649622701265BRA19491965
10De Araujo Sergio C Mendes47672137607BRA19491976
4Leite Italo Andre Medeiros4922722711767BRA19041877
5Farias Edilsom52452141078BRA18411909
9Sales Luis Carlos40132136171BRA18031881
8Ribeiro Yuri Alisson Cavalcante4910322711805BRA16211822