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Romanian International Rapid Chess Open 25 noiembrie

Last update 27.11.2017 09:07:51, Creator/Last Upload: Romanian Chess Federation (Licence 25)

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Final Ranking crosstable after 7 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3  TB4 
1IMYankelevich Lev2255GER 53b1 16w1 64b1 5w½ 8b½ 15w1 21b16027239024,25
2GMManolache Marius2480ROU 50b1 9w1 27b1 7w½ 5b1 4b½ 3w½5,5031252425,75
3GMIstratescu Andrei2646ROU 11b1 20w1 8b½ 15w½ 24b1 10w1 2b½5,5029,5239526,00
4GMNevednichy Vladislav2500ROU 49b1 37w1 19b1 24w1 7b½ 2w½ 6b½5,5028,5244123,25
5IMAczel Gergely2484HUN 26w1 39b1 13w1 1b½ 2w0 29b1 14w15,5028,5232023,50
6IMCostachi Mihnea2359ROU 18b1 30w1 24b0 9w1 25b1 8w1 4w½5,5028229325,25
7GMFedorov Alexei2604BLR 58w1 34b1 36w1 2b½ 4w½ 13b½ 12w15,5027238621,75
8FMGavrilescu David2251ROU 38w1 14b1 3w½ 12b1 1w½ 6b0 24w15030227322,25
9FMMartinovici Ilie1997MDA 70w1 2b0 42w1 6b0 26w1 35b1 29w15026201717,00
10GMShishkin Vadim2428UKR 35w1 25b½ 12w½ 39b1 34w1 3b0 13w15025,5222319,25
11ISandor Tamas1790ROU 3w0 71b1 72w1 34b0 66w1 39b1 31w15020,5185712,50
12CMOgnean Mihnea-Ionut1945ROU 22b1 17w1 10b½ 8w0 19b1 18w1 7b04,5029219620,50
13CMTeodorescu Razvan2124ROU 40b1 28w1 5b0 23w1 16b1 7w½ 10b04,5028,5221318,75
14CMCiorgovean Iustin1912ROU 44b1 8w0 40b1 27w1 17b½ 20w1 5b04,5027206717,25
15Rankov Petar2117SRB 69w1 41b½ 48w1 3b½ 28w1 1b0 16w½4,5026209215,25
16IAmbru Dan-Calin1935ROU 68w1 1b0 51w1 36b1 13w0 32w1 15b½4,5025,5199414,75
17GMSanduleac Vasile2341MDA 45w1 12b0 41w1 30b1 14w½ 21b0 25w14,5025203817,25
18IRoncea Radu1708ROU 6w0 68b1 31w1 37w½ 27b1 12b0 34w14,5025203215,25
19FMRusan Paul-Cristian2225ROU 42w1 62b1 4w0 25b½ 12w0 58b1 41w14,5023,5202914,00
20WFMCosman Andreea-Marioara2043ROU 74w1 3b0 35w½ 54b1 41w1 14b0 38w14,5023,5188712,75
21IMNester Ihor2224UKR 46b0 60w1 49b½ 63w1 48b1 17w1 1w04,5022185714,00
22IIWalker Eduard-Calin1103ROU 12w0 38b1 58w1 62b1 29w0 34b½ 37b14,5021,5201813,75
23WFMGitu Paula-Alexandra1904MDA 65w1 36b0 47w1 13b0 38w½ 59b1 42w14,5020,5170212,75
24CMStoleriu George2045ROU 75b1 46w1 6w1 4b0 3w0 28b1 8b04028211613,00
25FMIleana George1984ROU 73b1 10w½ 43b1 19w½ 6w0 36b1 17b04026,5215312,75
26IKedves Lorand1742ROU 5b0 57w1 32b0 52w1 9b0 40w1 46b14024,5178413,00
27NMMiron Ionel2086ROU 51w1 47b1 2w0 14b0 18w0 52b1 55w14024165312,50
28CMFarcas Doru-Marius1876ROU 55w1 13b0 52w+ 32w1 15b0 24w0 50b14023184613,00
29FMToma Andreica Alin2113ROU 60b0 61w1 50b1 64w1 22b1 5w0 9b04023177912,50
30CMValceanu Ioan-Mihai1957ROU 59w1 6b0 69w1 17w0 46b1 31b0 47w14022,5183110,50
31CMSamu Sorin-Mihai2052ROU 61b1 64w0 18b0 51w1 53b1 30w1 11b04022174812,50
32Zurka Petru2048SRB 47w0 74b1 26w1 28b0 45w1 16b0 51w14021,5166311,50
33FCRaica Viorel-Claudiu1001ROU 64b0 40w0 67b1 46w0 76b1 56w1 48b1401715668,00
34Voina Pau2038SRB 57b1 7w0 53b1 11w1 10b0 22w½ 18b03,5027,5178813,25
35ITampea Radu1712ROU 10b0 67w1 20b½ 43w1 37b½ 9w0 36w½3,5025199411,25
36FMBanzea Alexandru-Bogdan2233ROU 56b1 23w1 7b0 16w0 50b1 25w0 35b½3,5025193112,25
37CMMarcu-Lapadat Alin2016ROU 71w1 4b0 45w1 18b½ 35w½ 42b½ 22w03,5025163511,25
38IIRadulescu Andrei1645ROU 8b0 22w0 73b1 44w1 23b½ 43w1 20b03,502516349,75
39IDan Cantemir-Dorian2007ROU 67b1 5w0 46b1 10w0 40b½ 11w0 61b13,5024,517659,25
40IIFerentiu Raul-Florin1546ROU 13w0 33b1 14w0 55b1 39w½ 26b0 58w13,5023,5165111,25
41NMCraciun Ovidiu1828ROU 66b1 15w½ 17b0 60w1 20b0 61w1 19b03,502318059,25
42IArdelean Lorela-Daniela1575ROU 19b0 44w1 9b0 65w1 64b1 37w½ 23b03,502317179,25
43CMCormos Radu2132ROU 54w1 48b½ 25w0 35b0 60w1 38b0 59w13,5019,516429,50
44FCCristea Valentin-Ioan1007ROU 14w0 42b0 74w1 38b0 69w1 45b½ 64w+3,5019,515367,25
45IIIRadasciuc Claudiu-Florin1703ROU 17b0 73w1 37b0 75w1 32b0 44w½ 63b13,5018,515246,00
46IIArion Ilie1575ROU 21w1 24b0 39w0 33b1 30w0 66b1 26w03024166110,50
47IIIlles Laszlo1376ROU 32b1 27w0 23b0 58b½ 54w1 48w½ 30b03022,518349,75
48CMZaharie Ioan1874ROU 76b1 43w½ 15b0 49w1 21w0 47b½ 33w03022,516076,25
49FCCristea Virgil1751ROU 4w0 70b1 21w½ 48b0 59w0 62b1 54w½302117088,25
50ISicra Sandu-Giulian1740ROU 2w0 59b1 29w0 71b1 36w0 65b1 28w0302116786,50
51IIJancso Balint1452ROU 27b0 66w1 16b0 31b0 68w1 64w1 32b0302116656,50
52IITarciuc Ianis-Mihai1289ROU 28b- 26b0 72w1 27w0 67b1302114846,50
53IPop Ioan I.1686ROU 1w0 65b1 34w0 72b1 31w0 55b0 70w13020,514325,00
54IRoncea Ioan-Aurel1546ROU 43b0 63w½ 56b1 20w0 47b0 69w1 49b½3019,515877,75
55FCDrazic Aleksandar1001ROU 28b0 56w1 63b0 40w0 75b1 53w1 27b03019,515347,00
56ITamas Alexandru-Marius1636ROU 36w0 55b0 54w0 73b1 70w1 33b0 65w13017,512095,00
57FCSimina Andrei-Petru1198ROU 34w0 26b0 65w0 59b0 73w1 68b1 66w1301612425,00
58CMCepoiu Mircea1770ROU 7b0 75w1 22b0 47w½ 63b1 19w0 40b02,5023,514855,00
59IBuciuman Aurel1245ROU 30b0 50w0 61b½ 57w1 49b1 23w0 43b02,502116287,25
60IISandor Levente1485ROU 29w1 21b0 62w½ 41b0 43b0 63w0 74w12,5020,516686,25
61IIStanescu Tudor-Stefan1425ROU 31w0 29b0 59w½ 74b1 62w1 41b0 39w02,502016614,75
62IDan Samoil1887ROU 63b1 19w0 60b½ 22w0 61b0 49w0 75b12,5019,513614,75
63FCBran Horatiu1001ROU 62w0 54b½ 55w1 21b0 58w0 60b1 45w02,501915577,00
64ISandru Nicolae1871ROU 33w1 31b1 1w0 29b0 42w0 51b0 44b-2024,516168,00
65FCBogdan Dumitru-Gabriel1001ROU 23b0 53w0 57b1 42b0 71w1 50w0 56b0202013975,00
66FCToparcean Ioan1001ROU 41w0 51b0 70w1 69b1 11b0 46w0 57b02019,513264,00
67FCSimina Alexandru-Ioan1108ROU 39w0 35b0 33w0 68b0 74w1 71b1 52w02018,511813,00
68FCSteau Mihai Lucian1013ROU 16b0 18w0 75b0 67w1 51b0 57w0 76b1201812212,00
69IIBiro Arpad1518ROU 15b0 76w1 30b0 66w0 44b0 54b0 72w12017,512181,00
70IVBurja-Udrea Razvan-Andrei1029ROU 9b0 49w0 66b0 76w1 56b0 75w1 53b0201713171,00
71IILupse Ioan1145ROU 37b0 11w0 76b1 50w0 65b0 67w0 73b12016,512221,00
72FCBuda Septimiu Dorin1001ROU 11b0 53w0 52b0 73w0 69b01020,56573,50
73FCMacalet Alexandru-Ioan1001ROU 25w0 45b0 38w0 56w0 57b0 72b1 71w0101911641,00
74IVMuntean Ana-Maria1207ROU 20b0 32w0 44b0 61w0 67b0 76w1 60b01018,511360,00
75IVPlesa Gheorghe1254ROU 24w0 58b0 68w1 45b0 55w0 70b0 62w01017,511842,00
76FCPitu Eduard1001ROU 48w0 69b0 71w0 70b0 33w0 74b0 68w000154550,00

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break3: Performance (variable With parameter)
Tie Break4: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable