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Twickenham Qualifier for the London Junior Chess Championship Under 10

Last update 11.12.2017 10:12:32, Creator/Last Upload: paul_mck

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Final Ranking crosstable after 6 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd TB1 
1Harandi Teymour97ENG 23b1 18w1 8b1 3w1 2b1 7w16
2Patel Sen97ENG 24b1 15w1 14b1 6w1 1w0 9b15
Lapidus Alexey M79RUS 34w1 11b1 4w1 1b0 20w1 10b15
Merriman Isabelle56ENG 26b1 5w1 3b0 22w1 6b1 14w15
5Jadav Abhi Jadeep97ENG 38w1 4b0 24w1 12b1 9w0 20b14
Wang Andy79ENG -1 12b1 20w1 2b0 4w0 19w14
Camilleri Max71ENG 29w1 20b0 16w1 27b1 11w1 1b04
Wuytack Charles68ENG 16b1 13w1 1w0 20b0 24w1 25b14
Gali Sanjeev Veer Raj64ENG 48w+ 22b0 29w1 19w1 5b1 2w04
Valentin Pena Antonio63ENG 25w0 31b1 13b1 21w1 22b1 3w04
Sian Rudy54ENG 40b1 3w0 41b1 23w1 7b0 22w14
Shkuratovskyi Makariy47ENG 41b1 6w0 39b1 5w0 26b1 23w14
Kalaiyalahan Aishwaria0ENG 43b+ 8b0 10w0 37b1 27w1 28w14
14Rees Amelie57ENG 33b1 36w1 2w0 25b½ 17w1 4b03,5
Goyal Adavya48ENG 30w1 2b0 31w1 17b½ 25w½ 16b½3,5
Gryva Mykhailo0ENG 8w0 51b1 7b0 41w1 21b1 15w½3,5
17Charania Kian76ENG 28b1 21w1 22b0 15w½ 14b0 18w½3
Sevinc Doruk A55ENG 35w1 1b0 25w0 31b½ 36w1 17b½3
Rizvi Zara44ENG 31w0 39w1 40b1 9b0 29w1 6b03
Gohil Aryan37ENG 32b1 7w1 6b0 8w1 3b0 5w03
Raghavendar Vedanth35ENG 51w1 17b0 37w1 10b0 16w0 35b13
Guthrie William30ENG 37b1 9w1 17w1 4b0 10w0 11b03
Ahmed Zaid14ENG 1w0 25b1 33w1 11b0 35w1 12b03
Alam Dawood0ENG 2w0 35b1 5b0 28w1 8b0 36w13
Istari Eliya0ENG 10b1 23w0 18b1 14w½ 15b½ 8w03
Patel Zain0ENG 4w0 27b0 51w1 33b1 12w0 37b13
27Yedid Lior40ENG 39b0 26w1 36b1 7w0 13b0 32w½2,5
Gaekwad Ankit0ENG 17w0 30b½ 38w1 24b0 31w1 13b02,5
Gouilliard Arthur0ENG 7b0 32w1 9b0 40w1 19b0 33w½2,5
Pond Joshua0ENG 15b0 28w½ 34b0 32w0 51b1 39w12,5
Shidlagatta Anirudh0ENG 19b1 10w0 15b0 18w½ 28b0 38b12,5
Venkatesh Anuj V0ENG 20w0 29b0 35w0 30b1 34w1 27b½2,5
Yang Michael Zhisen0ENG 14w0 -1 23b0 26w0 41b1 29b½2,5
34Ali-Khan Idrees0ENG 3b0 41w0 30w1 36b0 32b0 40w12
Pillai Rohan0ENG 18b0 24w0 32b1 39w1 23b0 21w02
Thota Rishan0ENG 45b+ 14b0 27w0 34w1 18b0 24b02
Xu Owen0ENG 22w0 48b+ 21b0 13w0 40b1 26w02
38Olunuga Tomi2ENG 5b0 40w0 28b0 51w1 39b½ 31w01,5
Srivastava Devansh Mohan0ENG 27w1 19b0 12w0 35b0 38w½ 30b01,5
40Pond Abigail0ENG 11w0 38b1 19w0 29b0 37w0 34b01
Schofield Nathaniel Paul0ENG 12w0 34b1 11w0 16b0 33w0 51b-1
42Lindquist James87RUS -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00
Johnson Charlie Fletcher62ENG 13w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -00
Sarkar Rian44ENG -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00
Tangri Benjamin39ENG 36w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -00
Auchi Laith22ENG -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00
Arjun Tejas0ENG -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00
Haye August0ENG 9b- 37w- -0 -0 -0 -00
Nathoo Kiyan0ENG -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00
Porter Ben0ENG -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00
Winner Lewis0ENG 21b0 16w0 26b0 38b0 30w0 41w-0

Tie Break1: points (game-points)