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3° ITT Rosario del 26 al 30 de diciembre

Last update 30.12.2017 21:47:43, Creator/Last Upload: Juan José Huergo

Starting rank list of players

5GMRodriguez Vila Andres3000010URU2459
6GMLorenzini Martin105570ARG2445
8FMDi Giannantonio Nino119261ARG2371
7IMContin Daniel803618ITA2278
4FMMunoz Francisco Javier128368ARG2272
1CMKimelman Gabriel3003035URU2257
3FMCimer Emanuel137073ARG2240
10IMPalencia Morales Wilson Guiller4401859VEN2226
2Beroiz Julian122262ARG2130
9CMFalcon Benjamin132101ARG2116