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Final Phase Olympiad Qualifiers - Ladies Section

Last update 27.02.2018 06:44:01, Creator/Last Upload: Kenya Chess-Federation

Starting rank list of players

1WCMNdirangu Joyce Nyaruai10802886KEN1631
2Jumba Gloria10800794KEN1579
3WCMWambugu Jane Wanjiru10800310KEN1516
5Mongeli Sasha10809090KEN1465
6Mwikali Daphne10802274KEN1432
7Thitu Winfred10801790KEN1381
9Wanjiru Lucy10808590KEN1364
4Ngima Cheryl10808973KEN1343
8Mumbi Stephanie10802657KEN1273
11Aurellia Chumo10809457KEN1158
10Dinah Ngina Maweu10812938KEN0