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XXXVII Torneo de Ajedrez Escolar La Salle Alevin

Last update 17.02.2018 18:46:28, Creator/Last Upload: FEDERACIÓN ARAGONESA DE AJEDREZ (65)

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Starting rank crosstable

No.AAARtg1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Moreno Gracia Guillermo1586 29w1 20b1 10w0 8b1 21w1 9b1 3b1 6w0 19b1734335 ...36
2Garcia Acin Pablo1582 30b+ 19w1 9b0 31b1 20w1 10b1 18w1 3w0 6b06644,534 ...35
3Gimenez Sanchez Leo1582 31w1 21b½ 51w1 4b1 10w1 6b1 1w0 2b1 5w17,524337 ...38
4Ignacio Lopez Anahi1577 32b1 22w1 12b½ 3w0 61b1 59w1 15b½ 10w1 9b1744033 ...34
5Galstyan David1569 33w1 24b1 18w0 34b1 25w1 41b1 6w0 20b1 3b06743,533 ...34
6Lorente Melcon Nicolas1559 34b1 27w1 15b1 9w1 18b1 3w0 5b1 1b1 2w1814440 ...41
7Cid Del Moral Pablo1539 35w1 26b1 57w1 10b0 27b1 18w0 12b1 19w0 15b052038,531 ...32
8Ferrer Armale Alejandro1532 36b+ 39w1 61b½ 1w0 56b1 12w0 59b0 51w0 28b14,52935,525,5 ...26,5
9Hernandez Bolea Jorge1531 37w+ 42b1 2w1 6b0 26w1 1w0 21b1 41b1 4w06941,533 ...34
10Marzo Serrano Ivan1531 38b1 44w1 1b1 7w1 3b0 2w0 24b1 4b0 18w051843,532 ...33
11Alzugaray Serrano Daniel1526 39w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -005524,50 ...0
12Hernandez Villalba Raquel1514 40b1 56w1 4w½ 18b0 28w1 8b1 7w0 59b0 53w15,51437,529,5 ...30,5
13Aguado Biarge Alvaro1513 41w1 51b0 21w0 42b1 35w0 28b- 29b- -0 -02493114 ...15
14Aznar Samper Adrian1512 42b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -005624,50 ...0
15Kerekes Norbert1512 43w1 53b1 6w0 35b1 41w0 34b1 4w½ 18b½ 7w1684229,5 ...30,5
16Satue Caceres Gael1510 44b0 61w0 46b1 39w1 59b0 52w+ 53w0 58b0 43w034431,517 ...17
17Castanera Gomez Alberto1504 45w1 57b0 35w0 28b0 46w1 38b- 39b- -0 -02532713 ...14
18Garicano Jaen Pablo1503 46b1 59w1 5b1 12w1 6w0 7b1 2b0 15w½ 10b16,5541,535 ...36
19Salvador Gonzalo Unax1502 47w1 2b0 38w1 41b0 51w1 35b1 25w1 7b1 1w061136,529 ...30
20Aguilar Bobadilla Africa1500 48b1 1w0 39b1 32w1 2b0 44w1 61b1 5w0 59w16103829 ...30
21Chabarri Moreno Alejandro1500 49w+ 3w½ 13b1 61w½ 1b0 53b1 9w0 35b0 31w151939,527 ...28
22Fle Jimeno Guillermo1500 50b+ 4b0 41w0 53b0 47w1 51b- 45w- -0 -024833,513 ...14
23Garcia Espinosa Alejandro1500 51w0 41b0 58w0 47b0 43w1 45b0 52w+ 44w0 48b025128,58 ...8
24Gracia Dos Santos De Assis Gabr1500 52b1 5w0 44b0 49w1 38w1 57b1 10w0 53b0 58w15233624 ...25
25Gracia Plou Sofia1500 53w0 43b1 42w1 51b1 5b0 58w1 19b0 38w0 44b043334,525 ...25
26Jimenez Lozano Lucia1500 54b1 7w0 52b1 44w1 9b0 61w0 49b0 56w1 33b043236,523 ...24
27Lorente Melcon Alejo1500 55w+ 6b0 47w1 58b1 7w0 -0 -0 -0 -03423621 ...22
28Martinez Blanco Ruben1500 56b0 46w1 59b½ 17w1 12b0 13w+ 41w0 31b0 8w03,53933,521,5 ...21,5
29Martinez Julian Miguel1500 1b0 48w1 56b½ 59w0 53w0 60b1 13w+ 61w1 51b15,51634,521,5 ...21,5
30Reguera Calle Izan1500 2w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -005724,50 ...0
31Rodrigo Yago Alejandro1500 3b0 49w1 60b1 2w0 44b0 56w1 51b½ 28w1 21b04,52837,522,5 ...22,5
32Tortajada Martin Andres1500 4w0 45b1 53w1 20b0 57w0 54b- 42b- -0 -024733,515 ...15
33Bayona Archilla Daniel0 5b0 52w0 48b1 54w1 58b0 49w0 60w1 57b1 26w152730,519 ...19
34Blasco Salo Lizer0 6w0 47b1 45w+ 5w0 52b1 15w0 54b1 49w0 45b152137,524 ...24
35Celemendiz Celemendiz Jorge0 7b0 54w1 17b1 15w0 13b1 19w0 44b1 21w1 49b05223725 ...25
36Cerdan Arto Javier0 8w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -005824,50 ...0
37Chinchay Pinillos Heriberto0 9b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -005924,50 ...0
38Coloma Oteo Jorge0 10w0 55b+ 19b0 60w1 24b0 17w+ 57w1 25b1 41w½5,51732,523,5 ...23,5
39Franco Berne Alba0 11b+ 8b0 20w0 16b0 54w0 46b1 17w+ 45w½ 56b03,5402916 ...17
40Gimeno Laura0 12w0 58b0 49b0 52w0 48b0 -1 46w- -0 -0154284 ...4
41Gonzalvo Bueno Jorge0 13b0 23w1 22b1 19w1 15b1 5w0 28b1 9w0 38b½5,51535,529,5 ...29,5
42Jimenez Arenas Jorge0 14w+ 9w0 25b0 13w0 49b0 48w+ 32w+ 54w1 61b043432,517 ...18
43Lacarte Daniel0 15b0 25w0 54b0 46w0 23b0 47b+ 48w1 47b1 16b143824,510 ...10
44Landeta Arrieta Esther0 16w1 10b0 24w1 26b0 31w1 20b0 35w0 23b1 25w152533,523 ...24
45Latorre Hernandez Daniel0 17b0 32w0 34b- 48w1 60b0 23w1 22b+ 39b½ 34w03,5412514 ...14
46Llanas Escota Diego0 18w0 28b0 16w0 43b1 17b0 39w0 40b+ 60b1 57w143724,512 ...12
47Lores Navarro Ivan0 19b0 34w0 27b0 23w1 22b0 43w- -1 43w0 60w0252289 ...9
48Lores Navarro Rodrigo0 20w0 29b0 33w0 45b0 40w1 42b- 43b0 52w+ 23w134628,58 ...8
49Martori Flores Carlos0 21b- 31b0 40w1 24b0 42w1 33b1 26w1 34b1 35w16123322 ...22
50Monterde Lucia0 22w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -006024,50 ...0
51Navarro Marco Pablo0 23b1 13w1 3b0 25w0 19b0 22w+ 31w½ 8b1 29w04,5303523,5 ...24,5
52Pereira de Castro Victor0 24w0 33b1 26w0 40b1 34w0 16b- 23b- 48b- 54b025030,514 ...14
53Pereire Cavalheiro Lucas0 25b1 15w0 32b0 22w1 29b1 21w0 16b1 24w1 12b05243424 ...25
54Perez Moreno Alex0 26w0 35b0 43w1 33b0 39b1 32w+ 34w0 42b0 52w14362917 ...17
55Rasal Feja David0 27b- 38w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -006124,50 ...0
56Sanchez Martinez Pablo0 28w1 12b0 29w½ 57b1 8w0 31b0 58w1 26b0 39w14,5313021,5 ...22,5
57Torrijos Heredia Pablo0 -1 17w1 7b0 56w0 32b1 24w0 38b0 33w0 46b03433221 ...22
58Lopez Trullen Mario0 59b0 40w1 23b1 27w0 33w1 25b0 56b0 16w1 24b04353122 ...22
59Laorden Sanchez David0 58w1 18b0 28w½ 29b1 16w1 4b0 8w1 12w1 20b05,5133827,5 ...28,5
60Lorenzo Lopez Mario0 61b0 -1 31w0 38b0 45w1 29w0 33b0 46w0 47b13453114 ...14
61Hernando Pardos Hugo0 60w1 16b1 8w½ 21b½ 4w0 26b1 20w0 29b0 42w15263327,5 ...28,5

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Fide Tie-Break (fine)
Tie Break3: Fide Tie-Break