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Irish Easter Chess Festival IM Norm Event 2018

Last update 02.04.2018 00:44:45, Creator/Last Upload: IvanBaburin

Starting rank list of players

8GMNeuman Petr305243CZE2438
4IMValdes Escobar Alvaro3405451CHI2381
6IMSodoma Jan323195CZE2347
5FMO'Donnell Conor2504243IRL2333
1FMMueller Reinhold24605875GER2294
9FMDelaney John2500060IRL2219
3Delaney Killian2501570IRL2200
10FMO'Gorman Tom2508249IRL2145
7WFMLongson Sarah2501465ENG2125
2Melaugh Gavin2509571IRL1956