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13th AICFB National A Chess Championship for Visually Challenged 2018 178593/AICFB/2018

Last update 11.02.2018 08:12:28, Creator/Last Upload: Vidhatri Lakshmi

Starting rank list of players

14Kishan Gangolli5049350IND1996KAR
5Aryan B Joshi35055933IND1813MAH
3Soundarya Kumar Pradhan25051822IND1753ODI
4Gaurav Gadodia5034230IND1749MAH
6Makwana Ashvin K5081912IND1744GUJ
12Krishna Udupa5014875IND1711KAR
2Patil Shirish5081904IND1698MAH
10Swapanil Shah5043484IND1678MAH
13Yudhajeet De25051865IND1678W B
8Samant Milind35008927IND1672MAH
11Marimuthu K45023859IND1613T N
7Prachurya Kumar Pradhan25051580IND1611ODI
9Deeptyajeet De25051458IND1607W B
1Patra Subhendu Kumar46604634IND1604ODI