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62 Campeonato Catarinense Absoluto STD 2017 Final Aberta

Last update 27.02.2018 18:05:08, Creator/Last Upload: Kaiser Luiz Mafra

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3  TB4  TB5 
1IMPerdomo LeandroARG 19b1 12w1 8b1 2w½ 10b1 6w1 5b16,510,522,533629,75
2IMUmetsubo Cesar HidemitsuBRA 20w1 14b1 9w1 1b½ 4w1 10b1 12w16,520,521,530,5627,25
3FMBueno Alfeu Junior VarelaBRA -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0032012,517,500,00
4NMCordeiro Marco Aurelio ZarorBRA 30w1 7b1 5w1 2b0 15b½ 10w½4,5702029317,00
5NMBorges Guilherme DeolaBRA 22w1 15b½ 13w1 4b0 14w1 8b1 1w04,5602029,5416,50
6FMDos Santos Junior Haroldo CunhaBRA 23b1 18w1 10b0 19w1 9b1 1b0 15w153121,529,5518,50
7Senger MarceloBRA 33b1 4w0 17b1 15w0 35b1 8w03,51501926,5311,75
8Bassani Jaison JoseBRA 24w1 17b1 1w0 14b½ 35w1 5w0 7b14,58018,527414,25
9Barreiros Da Silva Denison KleinBRA 26b1 25w1 2b0 18w1 6w0 16b1 19b15402027515,50
10Souza Junior Vanderval Borges DBRA 27w1 28b1 6w1 15b1 1w0 2w0 4b½4,55022,530,5415,25
11Bastos Guilherme ExterhotterBRA 28b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0033012,517,500,00
12CMZimmermann Kleber Renato P.BRA 29w1 1b0 15w0 26b1 20w1 18b1 2b0410020,529,5412,50
13Arndt Claudio FelipeBRA 30b½ 16w1 5b0 33w1 18b0 19w0 24b13,516017,524310,25
14Klein Luan CarlosBRA 31w+ 2w0 20b1 8w½ 5b0 30w1 26b½413017,526,5212,25
15Schena ArthurBRA 32b1 5w½ 12b1 10w0 7b1 4w½ 6b04902128314,00
16Woichinevski Joao Vinicius PeruBRA 33w½ 13b0 35w½ 29b1 22w1 9w0 28b141401623,5311,75
17Lazzarin Luiz HenriqueBRA 34b1 8w0 25b1 7w0 19b0 33w½ 30b13,5190162137,50
18Custodio Diego Henrique MullerBRA 35w1 6b0 28w1 9b0 13w1 12w0 33b141201926,5412,50
19Albiero Marco Antonio BatistaBRA 1w0 27b1 29w1 6b0 17w1 13b1 9w041102028411,50
20Da Veiga Pedro Miguel BackBRA 2b0 31w+ 14w0 34w1 12b0 29b1 35w03200172628,50
21Rodio Arthur BrunettoBRA 25w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0034012,517,500,00
22Bento Lucas CoronaBRA 5b0 32w½ 34b½ 25w1 16b0 28w0 23w13240131824,50
23Chitolina Ezequiel HenriqueBRA 6w0 29b0 27w1 28b0 34w0 -1 22b022911319,513,00
24Lorenzetti Otavio AugustoBRA 8b0 34w½ 32b0 30w0 -1 25b1 13w02,528012,517,514,00
25Miazzi Arthur De LimaBRA 21b+ 9b0 17w0 22b0 29w0 24w0 34b0131015,522,500,50
26Manfroi Alexander GianniniBRA 9w0 35b0 -1 12w0 27b1 34b1 14w½3,51801622,529,25
27Elesbao Bernardo DartoraBRA 10b0 19w0 23b0 -1 26w0 32b1 29w0230013,519,513,50
28Helbing IvacirBRA 11w+ 10w0 18b0 23w1 30b0 22b1 16w0322016,522,527,00
29Balena ViniciusBRA 12b0 23w1 19b0 16w0 25b1 20w0 27b1323013,51833,50
30Maldaner Matheus Atie RizzoBRA 13w½ 4b0 33w0 24b1 28w1 14b0 17w02,52601622,526,25
31Vivan Eduardo Henrique PriorBRA 14b- 20b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0035012,517,500,00
32De Vasconcellos Natan De MattiaBRA 15w0 22b½ 24w1 35b0 33b0 27w0 -12,52701318,515,50
33Consoli Anderson LuizBRA 16b½ 7w0 30b1 13b0 32w1 17b½ 18w03210172328,25
34Guidini Marcelo NeriBRA 17w0 24b½ 22w½ 20b0 23b1 26w0 25w13250121624,50
35Henriqueta Rafael StolfBRA 18b0 26w1 16b½ 32w1 8b0 7w0 20b13,51701723,539,50

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break4: Greater number of victories/games variable
Tie Break5: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable