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II Tancats Vall del Tenes 2010 Grup B

Last update 18.06.2010 14:13:26, Creator/Last Upload: Beatriz Alfonso Nogue

Starting rank list of players

8Molano Lafuente IsmaelESP208120812100Lira
9Parra Dolz MarioESP207520752054Paretana
5Oset Teixidor GuerauESP204502045Taradell-Centelles
6Mas Sayos LluisESP204302043Vic
10Mas Recorda PereESP195819582006Sant Josep Badalona
7Sola Lluch MiquelESP192219222036Vic
4Bautista Ballester JordiESP191519151889Calldetenes
3Ruiz Planas AdelitoESP185218521890Lloret
2Bouzas Arcos Juan ManuelESP177717771753Vall del Tenes
1Gonzalez Edo DavidESP000Vall del Tenes