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Darrera actualització23.05.2010 18:20:50, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Martin Oriol Brotat Mestre

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Taula creuada de classificació final després de 9 rondes

OrdreNom1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts. Des1  Des2  Des3 
1Coll Enriquez Lluis MC 39b1 22w1 8b½ 16w½ 17b1 19w1 5b½ 11w1 3w½73743,55
2Lluverol Torrents Salvador 50w1 5b½ 17b½ 4w½ 9b1 6w½ 8b½ 16w1 10b16,53945,54
3Simon Padros Emili FM 9b0 51w1 45b1 26w1 8b½ 11b1 19w1 5w½ 1b½6,535,542,55
4Anguera Maestro Jaime MN 36w1 33b0 24w1 2b½ 16b½ 26w½ 28b1 6w1 5b16,53541,55
5Buxade Roca Guillermo MC 45b1 2w½ 12b1 8w½ 7b1 33w1 1w½ 3b½ 4w0640,547,54
6Monedero Gonzalez Josep MC 27b0 40w1 9b½ 41w1 28b1 2b½ 20w1 4b0 18w163541,55
7Bautista Sanchez Joan MC 34w1 20b1 33w½ 21b½ 5w0 18b0 36w1 22b1 13w1634405
8Franquet Escriva Joan MC 35b1 23w1 1w½ 5b½ 3w½ 20b½ 2w½ 18b½ 9w½5,539,546,52
9Bayarri Ponsa Eduard 3w1 15b½ 6w½ 20b½ 2w0 43b1 29w½ 33w1 8b½5,53743,53
10Dominguez Rueda Juan MC 38w1 29b1 21w½ 33b0 13b1 -0 26w1 12b1 2w05,53642,55
11Grau Brumos Isidre MC 46b1 26w1 16b½ 28w1 33b½ 3w0 22b1 1b0 15w½5,535424
12Caballe Sasot Roger 52w½ 42b1 5w0 29b1 14b1 16w½ 17b½ 10w0 33b15,533394
13Duran Vallverdu Juan 41b½ -0 55w1 35b1 10w0 27w1 33b1 17w1 7b05,532,538,55
14Batalla Batalla Josep 49w1 21b0 36w1 18b½ 12w0 34w1 25b½ 20b½ 32w15,532,5384
15Vilageliu Ceballos Josep M 40b1 9w½ 28b0 27w½ 34b0 49w1 39b1 25w1 11b½5,531,5374
16Basas Gamazo Josep 43w1 27b1 11w½ 1b½ 4w½ 12b½ 18w½ 2b0 19w½538,545,52
17Sanz Bastos Fernando 32w1 18b½ 2w½ 23b1 1w0 21b1 12w½ 13b0 20w½538453
18Capelles Prat Ramon 54b1 17w½ 19b½ 14w½ 22b½ 7w1 16b½ 8w½ 6b0537432
19Tejero Royo Fermin MC 24w½ 37b1 18w½ 25b1 21w1 1b0 3b0 23w½ 16b½536,543,53
20Cruanas Ruart Josep 30b1 7w0 44b1 9w½ 27b1 8w½ 6b0 14w½ 17b½536,542,53
21Mas Recorda Pere 53b1 14w1 10b½ 7w½ 19b0 17w0 34b½ 31w1 23b½535413
22Espau Guillem Josep 48w1 1b0 35w½ 52b1 18w½ 23b1 11w0 7w0 34b1532394
23Nicolau Serrato Manel 57w1 8b0 32w1 17w0 51b1 22w0 42b1 19b½ 21w½531,5374
24Mengual Jerez Antoni 19b½ 31w½ 4b0 44w½ 41b½ 30w½ 46b1 26b½ 37w1529,5362
25Cornudella Felip Josep 51b½ 41w½ 30b1 19w0 43w½ 37b1 14w½ 15b0 35w1529,5353
26Duch Mansion Jose 55w1 11b0 49w1 3b0 38w1 4b½ 10b0 24w½ 27b½4,535,5423
27Arias Velasco Jose 6w1 16w0 31b1 15b½ 20w0 13b0 48w1 29b½ 26w½4,535413
28Martinez Garcia Lluis 42w½ 52b1 15w1 11b0 6w0 35b1 4w0 32b0 43w14,531,5384
29Tey Gali Jose 47b1 10w0 41b½ 12w0 40b1 42w½ 9b½ 27w½ 30b½4,530,536,52
30Solsona Manonelles Josep 20w0 38b1 25w0 34b0 50w1 24b½ 35w½ 36b1 29w½4,530,535,53
31Xalabarder Coca Eudaldo 37w½ 24b½ 27w0 32b½ 48w½ 38b½ 43w1 21b0 42w14,529342
32Navines Monfa Josep 17b0 54w1 23b0 31w½ 42b0 52w1 45b1 28w1 14b04,52833,54
33Coll Sola Joan 44b1 4w1 7b½ 10w1 11w½ 5b0 13w0 9b0 12w0440,5473
34Sole Monistrol Francisco 7b0 44w0 47b1 30w1 15w1 14b0 21w½ 37b½ 22w0433393
35Garustowilz Nicolas 8w0 57b+ 22b½ 13w0 52b1 28w0 30b½ 44w1 25b0431,537,53
36Orti Boix Miquel Lluis 4b0 43w1 14b0 40w½ 44b½ 41w1 7b0 30w0 50b1430,5373
37Pascual Soro Antonio 31b½ 19w0 39b½ 46w½ 45b1 25w0 49b1 34w½ 24b0429,534,52
38Mora Amella Joan 10b0 30w0 54b1 53w1 26b0 31w½ -0 48b1 39w½428,534,53
39Queralto Roger Esteve 1w0 48b½ 37w½ 43b0 47w1 44b1 15w0 42b½ 38b½427342
40Morales Jodar Ramon 15w0 6b0 42w1 36b½ 29w0 45w0 54b1 46w½ 49b1426,532,53
41Martinez Lopez-Cozar Manuel 13w½ 25b½ 29w½ 6b0 24w½ 36b0 44w0 52w1 46b½3,531,537,51
42Monteagudo Aguilera Maximo 28b½ 12w0 40b0 55b+ 32w1 29b½ 23w0 39w½ 31b03,53136,52
43Mestieri Rius Gabriel 16b0 36b0 50w1 39w1 25b½ 9w0 31b0 45w1 28b03,530,5363
44Castan Sanclemente Alejandro 33w0 34b1 20w0 24b½ 36w½ 39w0 41b1 35b0 48w½3,528332
45Bernabe Monteagudo Francesc 5w0 50b1 3w0 48b½ 37w0 40b1 32w0 43b0 54w13,527,5343
46Gorgues Valle Jose Maria 11w0 55b½ 52w0 37b½ 54w1 48b½ 24w0 40b½ 41w½3,525,5311
47Giralt Toro Julio 29w0 49b0 34w0 50b1 39b0 54w½ 53b0 -1 52w13,52226,52
48Boqueras Rimbau Pere 22b0 39w½ 51b½ 45w½ 31b½ 46w½ 27b0 38w0 44b½328330
49Perez Vizcaino Joan Manel 14b0 47w1 26b0 51w0 53b+ 15b0 37w0 54b1 40w0326,5323
50Ylla Soro Rafael 2b0 45w0 43b0 47w0 30b0 53w1 -1 51b1 36w032531,52
51Lopez Garriga Josep Antoni 25w½ 3b0 48w½ 49b1 23w0 -0 52b0 50w0 -132430,51
52Idoate Arrazurria Ricardo 12b½ 28w0 46b1 22w0 35w0 32b0 51w1 41b0 47b02,527,5332
53Febrero Perez Lluis 21w0 -0 -1 38b0 49w- 50b0 47w1 -0 -0225301
54Acriz Ibanez Salvador 18w0 32b0 38w0 -1 46b0 47b½ 40w0 49w0 45b01,525,530,50
55Cabello Guzman Francisco 26b0 46w½ 13b0 42w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -00,525,531,50
56Canals Bacardit Josep MC -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0031,5360
57Guilanya Vilanova Josep Mª 23b0 35w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0028330

Desempat1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempat2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempat3: The greater number of victories