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I Campeonato Provincial de Veteranos Jaen

Last update 25.03.2018 23:52:30, Creator/Last Upload: Spanish Chess Federation (Licence 324)

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Starting rank list

1Gonzalez Garcia Francisco32070110ESP1981
2Reyes Romera Pedro22246657ESP1932
3Lerma Moreno Juan M.2274469ESP1865
4Millan Urrutia Juan A.2224461ESP1855
5Rascon Jato Daniel22236538ESP1849
6Moreno Lerma Manuel32048076ESP1806
7Perez Sanchez Antonio2233932ESP1802
8Jordan del Molino Jose22285318ESP1761
9Moyano Rodriguez Jose32048084ESP1714
10Subirats Delhom Juan2245205ESP1688
11Castilla Ayllon Juan24526312ESP1655
12Linares Blanco Antonio24542636ESP1649
13Cabecerans Cabecerans Enrique54514207ESP1623
14Sanchez Varo Francisco32021682ESP1617
15Delgado Segura Diego2233703ESP1596
16Sanchez Escabias Blas22232222ESP1570
17Moreno Bello Miguel22253912ESP1564
18Barranco Martinez Gabriel2285878ESP1564
19Carrillo Castillo Jose Luis32094728ESP1422
20Quesada Garcia Ramon22228667ESP1784