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International chess festival "Den mista Leva - 2018" 01-06.05.2018 (IM norms) Tournament A

Last update 10.05.2018 10:18:37, Creator/Last Upload: Lviv Region CF

Starting rank list of players

7IMAnwesh Upadhyaya5028949IND2372India
1IMBoricsev Oleg720500HUN2333Hungary
2FMSychevskyy Andriy14125927UKR2254Lviv
9FMHristodorescu Daniel1203100ROU2252Romania
4FMMosesov Danylo14149494UKR2250Lviv
10IMKagramanianz Vartan13300202ARM2242Armenia
6Kozelov Roman14133377UKR2215Odessa
3Prydun Andriy14145898UKR2186Lviv
5WGMKryvoruchko Vita14108917UKR2167Lviv
8Medvedyk Volodymyr14137186UKR2110Brody