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Kampionati Kombetar Individual Finale 2018

Last update 20.05.2018 12:47:23, Creator/Last Upload: Albanian Chess Federation

Starting rank list of players

1IMMehmeti Dritan4700600ALB2397
8FMAshiku Franc4700066ALB2380
7Pasko Llambi4701178ALB2338
9Bregu Riza4701739ALB2196
2Noka Gezim4701461ALB2152
10Tavasja Elvis4701470ALB2098
3Veleshnja Zino4701313ALB2082
6Kallari Emiljano4703928ALB2073
4Pasku Sotir4700880ALB2059
5Caushaj Luan4702417ALB1949