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6th-Sahel Cup Chess Tournament For Men Bandar Abbas-Hormozgan

Last update 19.07.2010 08:18:58, Creator/Last Upload: Iran Chess Federation

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Starting rank

1Salari ShahramIRI1964
2Ahmadzadeh Omid RezaIRI0
3Alimoradi MoslemIRI0
4Amiri EsmaeilIRI0
5Baseri MasoudIRI0
6Daoodinajad FarzanIRI0
7Dehghanzadeh AkbarIRI0
8Etemadi NarimanIRI0
9Ghanbari MukhtarIRI0
10Ghorban Oghly MohsenIRI0
11Hasani HoseinIRI0
12Jahangiri HasanIRI0
13Mahmoodi MashoofIRI0
14Manoocheri ManoocherIRI0
15Masihi TahaIRI0
16Moradi SinaIRI0
17Najafi NimaIRI0
18Nazeri JafarIRI0
19Noroozi EhsanIRI0
20Omidvar AboulfazlIRI0
21Poorhasanlangi HamidrezaIRI0
22Shahrolahi KaramatIRI0
23Shamsaei AlirezaIRI0
24Shamsaei AmirrezaIRI0
25Zahedi MehdiIRI0
26Zargar Nezhad NimaIRI0