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Lionheart Chess Tournament

Last update 15.07.2018 19:12:11, Creator/Last Upload: Finish Chess Federation (Licence 20)

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Starting rank list

1GMGoganov Aleksey24109959RUS2576
2IMKarttunen Mika502081FIN2493Tammersh
3GMDobrov Vladimir4136594RUS2473
4FMVirtanen Antti501930FIN2308Aatos
5MAlho Sauli503002FIN2159Sk Comeon
6MLaine Panu500950FIN2071Matsk
7Graeffe Petri505226FIN2066Aatos
8Raki Jyrki505145FIN1987Kyms
9Keso Elias514942FIN1976Tammersh
10Björkhem Daniel510955FIN1902Porvsk