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Third Saturday Djenovici MNE GM X-2018

Last update 28.10.2018 15:03:07, Creator/Last Upload: Montenegro Chess Federation

Starting rank list of players

7GMKotronias Vasilios5900212GRE2487
5GMMiljkovic Miroslav D922722SRB2484
4GMNikcevic Nebojsa901776MNE2424
10IMKargin Arseny4135997RUS2420
6IMKojima Shinya7000812JPN2408
3IMAtakisi Umut6301037TUR2394
2FMGungl Theo24695653GER2347
9IMRabrenovic Vladan905453SRB2343
1FMManush Shah5040680IND2302
8Der Manuelian Haik2084015USA2269