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Mukachevo Masters (IM group)

Last update 22.10.2018 13:44:39, Creator/Last Upload: Alexandr Fediv

Starting rank list of players

2FMVypkhaniuk Ihor14112256UKR2389
8IMShkuran Danylo14106248UKR2371
10Tiba Vladyslav14118823UKR2337
5FMOros Robert14120666UKR2336
7FMSrinath Rao S.V.5028876IND2325
1IMBoricsev Oleg720500HUN2298
4Bidsila Andrej12925365GER2261
3Vachylia Andrii14137224UKR2238
6Larkin Vladyslav14152894UKR2234
9IMKagramanianz Vartan13300202ARM2231