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Kuwait championship 2019 Final Stage

Last update 27.01.2019 20:05:55, Creator/Last Upload: Kuwait Chess Federation

Starting rank list of players

10FMAlothman Abdul Wahab10300015KUW1936
8Al-Hamlan Faisal10300180KUW1920
3CMMaqseed Nasser10300074KUW1847
9Al Azmi Khalaf10300040KUW1776
7Alshourfaa Hazaa10300198KUW1768
6Alsharhan Musaed10300694KUW1701
4Alhamdan Ahmed10303197KUW1659
2Alothman Salem10301186KUW1593
1Alrashidi Yousef10300910KUW1558
5Almousawi Saleh10303383KUW1517