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77º Campeonato Brasileiro de Xadrez Final

Last update 08.12.2010 15:51:51, Creator/Last Upload: Federacao Paulista de Xadrez (1)

Starting rank list of players

12GMLeitao RafaelBRA2626
4GMVescovi GiovanniBRA2622
8GMMilos GilbertoBRA2596
2GMFier AlexandrBRA2572
5GMMekhitarian Krikor SevagBRA2525
10GMEl Debs Felipe De CresceBRA2502
6IMDi Berardino Diego RafaelBRA2491
9IMMatsuura EveraldoBRA2490
7FMJatoba De Oliveira Reis PauloBRA2378
3FMShumyatsky VictorBRA2352
11FMBarreto Filho Carlos AlbertoBRA2350
1FMGonzalez Bolivar RibeiroBRA2277