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Festival Nacional de la Juventud 2019 SUB 14

Last update 09.02.2019 15:52:13, Creator/Last Upload: Paraguayan Chess Federation

Starting rank list of players

3CMMelian Juan Sebastian3706575PAR1744Asuncion
4Oviedo Acosta Paula3704394PAR1587wAsuncion
9Nunez Pablo3706940PAR1468Asuncion
1Montiel Caceres Helen3707121PAR1407wAsuncion
10Duarte Laconich Jazmin3708705PAR1211wAsuncion
8Allo Collante Violeta3705013PAR1186wAsuncion
5Montiel Acosta Mateo3708942PAR1057Asuncion
7Cantero Acuna Lucas Javier3707970PAR1050CDE
2Cano Avalos Lucas Ignacio3710734PAR0Luque
6Menacho Admen Victor Gabriel3710807PAR0Asuncion