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Festival Nacional de la Juventud 2019 SUB 16

Last update 09.02.2019 15:28:00, Creator/Last Upload: Paraguayan Chess Federation

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Starting rank list

1Jodorcovsky Paulo Leonardo3705617PAR1806
2Montiel Angel Nathanael3706923PAR1712
3Allo Collante Enrique3705021PAR1551
4Martinez Ramirez Anahi3703134PAR1519w
5Amarilla Sandoval Alejandro3706460PAR1382
6Ayala Ruiz Miguel Angel3709752PAR1364
7Amarilla Jara Llyan3708420PAR1214
8Cantero Acuna Liz Fabiana3704602PAR1153w
9Lugo Sabrina3707466PAR1150w
10Benitez Aguero Anabel Lujan3706044PAR0w
11Da Silva Lopez Bruno Gabriel3709701PAR0
12Duarte Coronel Rufino Damian3710874PAR0
13Insfran Martinez Rodrigo3710840PAR0
14Smith Baez George Edward3710890PAR0
15Valdez Oliva Sofia Guadalupe3710696PAR0w