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Old Fort Bay Invitational Chess Championship 2019

Last update 03.03.2019 22:26:40, Creator/Last Upload: andrewhite

Starting rank list of players

1Cross Ted2022370USA1998
9NMGibson Franklyn10400028BAH1892
6NMCox Valentine10400095BAH1872
3FMMoncur Cecil10400583BAH1826
7CMKnowles Kendrick10400451BAH1809
10Hanna Jr Philip10400559BAH1761
8CMSmall Byron10400044BAH1747
4WCMKarelina Polina10400222BAH1678
5CMSmith Nathan61400220BAH1603
2Whyms Chappell10400125BAH1557
11WCMJohnson Daijah10400591BAH1435