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2019 Durban Chess Club Championship Section B

Last update 30.05.2019 23:07:18, Creator/Last Upload: Keith Rust

Starting rank list of players

4Zuma Mbusiswa18004360414320592RSA172017201397
1Millard Chad10202309914318687RSA155915591538
9Sibeko Musawenkosi17903455014340305RSA141901419
2Benedetti Riccardo17500179714340313RSA141001410
8CMGovender Kaedan10905941114322072RSA139313931276
5Msimango Senzo19609250314332310RSA139301393
7Khan John M16601536214307782RSA131901319
3Nowbath Hemant15702827414340321RSA128601286
10WCMMillard Charlotte20604750814320363RSA117711771380w
6Soojay Jorah10807978114328666RSA116211621449