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CCCSA Spring 2019 GM Group Invitational

Last update 24.03.2019 23:45:10, Creator/Last Upload: capchess

Starting rank list of players

9GMTanguy Ringoir208027BEL25102586
3IMAdvait Patel2075105USA24702586
7GMDavid Berczes722960HUN24612528
6IMBrandon Jacobson30901561USA24552554
8IMAleksandr Ostrovskiy2034239USA24532559
10GMAngel Arribas Lopez2283352ESP24432520
5IMKassa Korley2033801DEN24372510
2IMChristopher Woojin Yoo30909694USA24262499
1IMRohan Ahuja5090598IND23802446
4FMGauri Shankar5041350IND23782455