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Campeonato da Primeira Categoria do Esporte Clube Pinheiros - 2019

Last update 29.06.2019 22:39:37, Creator/Last Upload: Herman Claudius van Riemsdijk

Starting rank list of players

10Chiaretti Flavio Mario2174952BRA1854
2Van Riemsdijk Marius2114356BRA1733
11AFMZeituni Carlos Alberto2174979BRA1698
12Funayama S A Yuri22714286BRA1581
5Venelli Luiz Gonzaga2132060BRA1569
6Atanes Neto Severiano2114682BRA1545
8Von Erlea Simon P. J. E.2174960BRA1541
1Caribe Santos Luiz Carlos2171708BRA1483
7Bicalho Rafael Cury2174944BRA1477
4Gansl Eduardo2178770BRA1460
3Dattoli Micael Cimet2186152BRA1439
9Da Rocha Luiz C. Cosenza Vieira2191652BRA1415