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مشاهدة تفاصيل البطولة

21st Under 15 Open Saturday and Sunday Rapid Chess Tournament 2018

اخر تحديث30.03.2019 06:30:32, منشئ: All India Chess Federation,آخر رفع: Debanga Kaushik Bhattacharyya

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ترتيب البداية

رقماسم اللاعبرقم دولياتحادتقييم
1Guruaribam Arosemit SharmaIND1506
2Nungshithoi NgairangbamIND1130
3Dayanand ThoudamIND0
4Jalesh ThoudamIND0
5Takhellambam SamsonIND0
6Khuyumthem PatrickIND0
7Kshetrimayum AimsonIND0
8Maibam Yohenba KhumanIND0
9Lanchenbee NgairangbamIND0
10Thokchom KarunaIND0
11Khuman Einstein MaibamIND0
12Thokchom PreetiIND0
13Khuyumthem DianaIND0