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Final Campeonato Nacional de Ajedrez Sub-12 Masculino 2019

Last update 24.06.2019 19:26:51, Creator/Last Upload: Liga Caldense de Ajedrez

Starting rank list of players

2Campos Gomez Manuel4444710VAL1897
5CMLeon Acevedo Juan Alejandro4459261ANT1896
1Rodriguez Pantoja Obel4452968VAL1621
8Cabiativa Juan Esteban4482174BOG1514
10Castano Prado Juan Miguel4452836VAL1507
4Luna Velandia Juan Sebastian4454448CUN1486
7Cotes Ontibon Anibal Santiago4434633BOG1394
6Hernandez Guarin Samuel Andres4460359MET1386
3Lopez Torres Jorge Emmanuel4488326VAL1334
9Garzon Restrepo Fray4473302MET1273