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ICS Training Game Series # 4

Last update 16.06.2019 14:45:12, Creator/Last Upload: Indian Chess School

Starting rank list of players

9Kadam Rishi R46672753IND1682
7Lund Rachit25613065IND1656
5Bamboat Hrrehan45092842IND1332
1Minuzeer Bamboat25136852IND1213
3Hinge Mayank25954636IND1200
6Apurv Wakchaure25938053IND1162
2Nipun Dangche25798057IND1070
11Pratik Shirke25980769IND1005
4Sandeep WaghchureIND0
10Sharmad GuravIND0
8Vidushi Shandilya25936522IND0