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Kampionati Kombetar per te Rinj 2019-U10

Last update 28.06.2019 18:08:19, Creator/Last Upload: Albanian Chess Federation

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Starting rank list

1Boci Mateo4704665ALB1296
2Kote Aleks4702778ALB1244
3Kaleshi Patrik4704991ALB1162
4Isteri Daniel4704347ALB1151
5Aruci Ersin4705840ALB0
6Cani Niardo4705858ALB0
7Cullaj Grid4705050ALB0
8Gosnishti Mikel4705475ALB0
9Ishmaku Eon4705327ALB0
10Katroshi Ernis4703278ALB0
11Lekaj Rei4705254ALB0
12Mecaj Erold4705629ALB0
13Protoduari Ledion4702832ALB0