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Brunei 2011 IM Tournament 1

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony04.03.2011 02:53:52, Creator: Brunei Chess Federation,Last Upload: Iran Chess Federation

Sortowanie zawodników wg Elo

2GMNguyen, Anh DungVIE2508
5IMKhamrakulov, DzhurabekUZB2479
7IMBarbosa, OliverPHI2461
1IMNguyen, Van HuyVIE2449
9IMYap, Kim StevenPHI2395
8Vakhidov, JahongirUZB2295
10FMYee, Soon WeiBRU2285
3Hj, Sulaiman Hj Md BaharuddinBRU2223
4Abidin, ZukkernainBRU2179
6Hj, Azahari Md AliuddinBRU2061