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Finale du CNITC 2019

Last update 05.08.2019 23:14:29, Creator/Last Upload: Algerian+C1552

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Starting rank list

1IMOussedik Mahfoud79018102431S ORAN
2FMTalbi Chafik79037152274ASSN
3FMBengherabi Khalil79003252186ASSN
4FMBrahami Lamine79056372153CFA
5FMSaim Mohamed Ilias79004652131HILLAL
6Moulay Mehdi79010972076S SBA
7IMOuaret Abdelouhab79039442072BCE
8CMAraoun Saadi79041692049CSB
9Ghafoul Mohamed Amine79016901992HRT
10Gueroui Nacereddine79005111949CEC
11Ghafoul Zakaria Abdelrahmane79022711887HRT
12Idjeri Yanis79101001877ADEB
13Ferrah Hacene79015691775CSB
14Mostaine Boucetta Brahim79018951687HRT
15Ouis Mohammed79060301609KCT
16Hallal Tarik79248871552S ORAN