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Third Saturday Djenovici MNE GM X - 2019

Last update 27.10.2019 15:14:00, Creator/Last Upload: Montenegro Chess Federation

Starting rank list of players

10GMDamljanovic Branko900125SRB2470
5GMDizdarevic Emir14400049BIH2446
4GMFercec Nenad14500299CRO2445
9IMAkash Pc Iyer5006775IND2427
8CMMullick Raahil35080350IND2399
3IMDuran Vega Sergio6501311CRC2387
6IMBaenziger Fabian1330110SUI2378
7FMPecurica Milos944963MNE2370
1FMDedebas Emre Emin6349005TUR2355
2Cirovic Miroljub16502868MNE2229