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2019 English Girls Championship

Last update 21.10.2019 15:49:38, Creator/Last Upload: englishchessfederation

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Starting rank list

1Dicen Imogen152Coventry Chess Academy
2Headlong Georgia134Check Inn
3Arora Tashika132Oxford High
4Jayawarna Tarini125Heywood
5Haria-Skuse Ashwina118Bucks Youth Ca
6Maton Emily113St Albans
7Ashraf Zoha112Wiltshire Juniors
8Macdonald Amaya109Hammersmith
9Parnes Shira106Witney
10Ball Katie C103St Albans
11Wang Sophie93Wey Valley
12Cuthbert Larissa89Southbourne
13Zeng Rosa89Ojays
14Barbier-Ramaiah Riya Aude78Highgate Junior School
15Hidouci Naila69Wiltshire Juniors
16Watson Scarlet44Kent Juniors