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The Irish New Year Norm Events 2020 IM Norm 1

Last update 06.01.2020 21:42:11, Creator/Last Upload: IvanBaburin

Starting rank list of players

8IMAhlander Bjorn1700251SWE2418
4FMKanyamarala Tarun45004714IRL2320
5FMO'Donnell Conor2504243IRL2307
10IMMannion Stephen R.2400111SCO2283
2Delaney Killian2501570IRL2278
1IMBaker Chris401676ENG2225
3CMMelaugh Shane2509580IRL2207
6FMHammar Bengt1700391SWE2175
7Waters Michael2500523IRL2130
9Venkatesan Kavin2512602IRL1815