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Last update 23.12.2019 14:03:51, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Federation of central Serbia

Starting rank list of players

5IMRadovanovic Nikola900087SRB2400
4IMZlatanovic Boroljub916390SRB2365
3FMDedebas Emre Emin6349005TUR2354
2FMKamer Kayra6367879TUR2328
9IMNovoselski Zoran901970SRB2324
6Djokic Mihailo976440SRB2319
1GMPopchev Milko2900165BUL2288
7FMBujisic Vlastimir914843MNE2211
10Mihov Filip15003892MKD2191
8Micic Aleksa989940SRB1918